Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oh yeah!!!!

Today was my schedule 3 mile run. I got it done really fast (26 min) then over to workout my legs. I went to the leg press and did a few reps starting at 190, then 210 then on my 3rd rep, I decided that I wanted to go all out. I bumped the weight to 270. Yes 270!!! I was able to do all 12 full leg presses and even held the last one for about 10 seconds before releasing. It felt sooo good. I have always had very strong legs and I LOVE big muscularly legs. Next time I'm going to see if I can do 300 just to see if I can do it:) I love pushing myself to limits that I wouldn't normally do or think I could even do.


Last night while I was running at the gym, I saw my neighbor who I have only seen a few times. The first thing he said was "Wow, you have really thinned out"  I love hearing complements like that and it totally made my day:) I love when you get to a point were others can see the difference. You know that your hard work is paying off:) I know it can get sooooooo frustrating when you work so hard and see no weight loss, but I promise you, you have to stick with it. Sometimes you may not see weight loss for a while but inches are just as important, not to mention you are getting strong and building endurance.
I haven't heard from everyone that is in the weight loss challenge, but I know that I have lost 8% and I think I am still in first place:) I am so proud of everyone. We have all worked so hard. I have to give a shot out to my amazing hubby. He has lost 14 pounds. I love that he and I are doing this together. We support each other 100%
With the kids being sick (they are now better) we have had to take turns going to the gym. I love that my husband wants to eat and be healthy. We both feel so much better inside and out.

Be proud!!

 You should be PROUD of all the hard work you do. I have seen so many people be so negative towards others. I have seen so many negative comment on photos of women who are very fit. Comments like: She must not eat, that's gross, she must not be happy with herself etc. I see a photo of a fit guy or girl and think "Wow, that is some major dedication right there" I just don't understand all the hate?? I don't think it "bragging" to say you are proud of yourself. You worked freaking hard and should be proud. I have seen comments before where people get sick of others posting how they went to the gym for the hundredth time. For me I think that is AWESOME. Why not support people doing something healthy, something they love etc??
I don't know, maybe I am just different, but I am proud of everything I have done. I have given up a lot to be were I am today and I feel amazing. I have no idea if I have any haters and hope I don't.
Always remember to be proud. You did all this hard work. No one else but you. BE PROUD!!!!

Weigh in time

I can't believe month 1 is over. I am very PROUD to say that I've lost 12 pounds since January 1!!! I feel sooooo good. I started at 147.5 and today I am 135.5
My hubby took a few pics of me this morning. I still have A LOT of work to do on my toning, but I am happy with my results thus far:) I need to figure out how to do a pic side by side, but if you scroll down to the bottom, you will see my before pic.
 Here I am 135.5

This is me at day 1. 147.5

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My little sweetie

Ugghhhh still dragging today. I've done 5 loads of laundry today. Got the driveway and sidewalks plowed got showered and some what ready. I'm not sick, just worn out and grumpy.
My sweet 6 year who is sick, white as a ghost and fevered was laying in our bed and was watching me brush my hair. He said "Mom, I think you look so pretty" Hearing that from him totally melted my heart and lifted my spirits. What sweet, sweet boys I have. Just hearing that one comment from him, totally made me change my mood and mind set. Yes, I am still so worn out, but I am choosing to be happy, have patience (which has been VERY hard this week) and to stay positive. Even though this has been one of the hardest weeks for me, I'm not going to let it tear me down. Time for this Mom to turn her frown upside down :)

I've hit a wall:

This Mama is beyond EXHAUSTED!!! My alarm clock went off  at 5:15 am to get ready for boot camp. I looked outside and saw all the snow and I was so tired. I felt like I took a sleeping pill. So I decided that I would go back to sleep and go to boot camp tonight.
I have seriously hit a HUGE wall. Tomorrow marks 1 week, that my kids first were sick. It has been a ROUGH week. I almost had a brake down this morning. Yep, this girl almost cried, but I didn't, close though.
I heard our 4 year old screaming. At first I thought I was dreaming it since I was still sleeping but no, it was him. He was laying on the couch and threw up. I got it all cleaned up and he went in our room and laid on the bed that we make for him on the floor. Within maybe 20 minutes, he threw up again all over the bed. I just wanted to cry. I just sat on the floor for a good 5 minutes just sitting there. Why or why can't my kids get sick at the same time?? It's so much harder when they get sick one by one. We can't leave the house. I have no joke probably done over 30 loads of laundry in 1 week. I have gone through a full can of Lysol in 2 days, a whole container of Clorox wipes, my hands are super dry from all the cleaning products. Yeah, it's been HELL!!!!! I am thankful for my hubby who has helped so much. I look forward to when he gets home so I can get out of the house for a little bit to workout. I feel so bad for my boys. They have been so sick. Everyone is doing better except for Jaxon, so hopefully a few more days and we should be healthy again. I PRAY my hubby and I don't get their sickness. That's all I need:/
On a happier note, tomorrow is our the last day of our first month. I'm excited to hear every one's weight loss and can't wait to see my before and after pics. Yes, I see myself everyday in the mirror, but I don't think you really see the difference until you take a picture and compare the too. I am really excited. I have worked sooooo HARD!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

sore, sore, BUM!!!

Oh my goodness!! My bum is sooooo sore form Boot camp that I did Monday morning. OUCH. I can barley sit down or walk. But pain is good:)
I went to the gym tonight and did the Elliptical for 30 minutes and worked out my legs. I was at the gym for maybe an hour. I didn't want to go too crazy. For one, my bum hurts so freaking bad, and I have boot camp tomorrow morning AND I have a 5 mile run that I will do later tomorrow night. I also skipped out on Turbofire for tonight. I am way to sore and I went to a movie instead with my bestie:)
I am off to bed. I sure hope I can walk tomorrow. Haha:)

Fun facts about me

I have a separate family blog that I have been slacking big time on, but every 6 months or so, I like to do a post on fun facts about me and each of my boys. I thought it would be fun to do one just about me on my fitness blog. So here we go:)

1. I have always been the only girl. I have 2 brothers and I have 4 boys. I have always been the Princess and absolutely LOVE it.

2. I have had 100% natural child birth with all 4 of my boys. It is the most amazing experience ever!!! We are done having kids, but every time someone I know is in labor, I get super jealous and wish it were me pushing that baby out.

3. I LOVE, love, love being pregnant!! Seriously I do. I love when my belly is huge. I  probably feel my sexiest when pregnant.

4.My husband and I are true high school sweetheart. Before we dated, we were very good friends. We have been together for 15 years and married for 11 and I still get butterfly's. He is my Prince charming.

5. I LOVE to do things that most people wouldn't do, just to say I did it. I went Skydiving last year and it was the best thing ever. I am making it a year thing now. Only a few more months and I will go again:) I got a bunch of crap from people, but really, you only live once. Live life to it's fullest!!!!!

6. I am a very shy person, and not very many people know the "real me" I have no idea why I am this way, but I am actually super hyper, always happy, and very positive.

7. I LOVE music. Okay, I am probably the ghettoest (is that even a word?? haha) Mom out there:/ It's true. I love me some R&B and some good ol Rap. Like the old school rap that most people have never heard of.  See, super ghetto. haha

8. I am obviously addicted to Facebook, and Pinterest. Hey, I'm a stay at home Mom and the only adult I talk too is my Hubs when he gets home from work. I'm sure it's gets annoying, but I don't care, I LOVE it and not ashamed to say it:)

9. My little group of friends that I hang out with, we have all been friends since Elementary, middle and high school. We are all so different in our own ways but we get along so well. Besides my hubby, they are the only ones that I can be all me. haha I LOVE you guys and hope you know how much you all mean to me.

10. I have so many friends on Facebook that I have never even hung out with, but I feel like we are so close. I LOVE my facebook family so much and I really do enjoying hearing from everyone.

11. I am addicted to running. I've been running on and off for about 4 years now and LOVE it. It has been so awesome that one of my besties now runs with me. It makes me even more excited to run, and I am so proud of her. She is a rock star.

12. I LOVE pretty much all junk food. Candy, fruit roll ups, chips ( I LOVE chips) cookies, Malts, and so much more. I workout so I can eat. haha but I have since changed those habits but still love them:)

13. I am a fast food junkie. I can eat out every meal, every day of the week. no joke. I would much rather go to dinner then go to a movie. The funny thing is, I love to cook, but I like to cook for my family, and I want go out. haha. I have also changed that habit.

14. I am probably the cheapest girly girl you have ever meet. I shop at Ross, I only buy cheap make up from, the grocery store. I would never buy expensive make up. I have always been the type that would rather buy more with my money. I actually get more complements on my cheap $9.99 stuff then my more expensive stuff.

15. I very rarely buy myself something. Even things I need. I have needed socks for about a year now and only had 2 pair, and I would wear my hubby's. I have no idea why I just don't go to the store and buy me a pack. I do for my kids, but never for myself. Thank goodness for my hubby. He bought me my own pack form Christmas:) haha

16. I talk to my Mom every single day anywhere from 1-2 hours. I LOVE my Mom so much and we are super close. I love that I live less then a mile from her.

17. I have always wanted to be reader, but never make the time to read. I spend too much dang time on the computer:/

18. I am thinking of going to school to be a personal trainer and or nutritionist. "Thinking"

19.I am a HORRIBLE speller and suck at grammar. I'm sure you have noticed. haha. I really am that horrible at it.

20. I am not an emotional girl at all. I cry maybe twice a year. Things that bother most girls don't bother me at all. I have always been this way. (Okay, I have no idea how the font changed????)

21.I LOVE all reality TV.

22. I have never been a "gym girl"  but now I am hooked. I go 6 days a week and LOVE it.

23. I love to decorate and always have a ton of ideas, but I never follow through:( My master bedroom was supposed to be finished a year ago and it still hasn't been touched:(

24. I love hosting parties at our house., I think it's so much fun and love having everyone over.

25. I am a very hard worker and very independent. I pretty much do everything except make the money. I do all yard work, all cleaning, all cooking, etc. I do it for one because I am home and because I love to do it. I love that I don't have to depend on others. I can do it myself. I hope that my boys will always know how hard their Mommy and Daddy work.

There are so many more, but I will stop here for now. Haha

Support System

I think it is so important to have a support system to help you achieve your goals and dreams no matter what they may be. A little over 3 months I was about to sign up for my first full Marathon. Before I submitted everything online, I had a talk with my hubby. I asked him if I were to do this, I will need his support 100%. That this requires a ton of training were I will be sore, tired, annory, and gone for hours. With no hesitation, he said "of course"  and I signed up.
I have tried to eat healthy and tried to lose some weight over, and over and over again but I just couldn't get in the zone. I would do good for a day or two and give up. I was so sick of it. I missed being healthy. I missed the way I looked and more important how I felt inside.
You can find a support system anywhere. Spouse, family, friends, facebook, online forums, pinterest, blogs etc. It's out there, you just need to find it. For me, I have a bunch of different support systems. Of course my hubby and even my boys. Yes they are young but they are always asking me what I did at the gym, how many miles I ran, and cheer for me at the finish lane after a race. My other support system that helps me is all the motivation quotes and pic that are on facebook and pinterest. It's crazy how something just as a quote totally get me going.  I can't forget about facebook and my fitness blog. You have no idea how all of you are my support system. I was so hesitant to start a fitness blog. I really didn't want to be that annoying person that only talks about fitness. I'm sure there are some that that think that, but why not be supportive of someone who is trying to reach a goal, to live a better life and so on?? I went back and forth about doing this blog and making it public. I knew that if I did this, that I better "own it" and kick some butt. I am so happy to say that my blog have been viewed almost 3,000 times!!!!!!! You have no idea how motivating that is. I get comments and messages all the time. I am so happy that I have all of you as a support system. You have all made this girl a much happier and healthier person. Thank you all so much.
Support systems are great for so many reason's. Of course to get you going and staying on the right track. To be there for you when you are so worn out and just exhausted. Believe me, it's not easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it. It takes determination, time, will power, strength, going to limits that you have never been before. I have had days were I cry after a workout or run because I am so worn out. You need your support system to get through your hard times and to say " YOU CAN DO IT" I am a true believer that you can do anything you want if you work hard for it no matter what your goals and dreams may be.
Thank you all again for being my support system.  I am excited to continue my health and fitness journey.

* Remember that you can find a support system anywhere and know that I am always here:)

Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm workin on it

 I ALWAYS reward myself with food, and not any food I'm talking all the greasy, high calorie foods that I love. Just yesterday, I woke up and decided that I have worked so hard that I am getting McDonald's breakfast AFTER I had just made that yummy oatmeal casserole that I did eat. So off to McDonald's I go to "reward" myself. Yep, I got an egg Mcmuffin, hash brown and a coffee that I only had a few sips of, just wasn't in the mood for it like I thought. Thank goodness I didn't gain any weight, but still I need to stop "rewarding" myself with food and reward myself with something different. Maybe a shirt, socks (I need bad)  whatever, but not food.
I'm not saying that you can no longer enjoy the food you love. Cheat meals are important. but I had my cheat meal on Thursday and I had also been munching on treats all weekend:/
I am workin on it and hoping to find other ways to "reward" myself then all the crap I love. haha

Sickness and boot camp

My plan was to be in bed at 10:00 am at the latest last night. Well......... that changed when our 4 year old woke up crying. Ever since joining the gym, my kids have been soooo SICK.  Between my 4 boys they have had diarrhea, throw up, fevers, ear infections, sore throats and pink eye. Yeah, it's been fun times at our house:/ So going back to  last night with our 4 year old. He woke up crying with an ear infection. no fever but had a bad headache, and he threw up EVERYWHERE!!!!! All over the floor, all over the blankets and all over me. My hubby got him in the bath while I cleaned up all the throw up. I am sooooo thankful for our Rainbow Vacuum.  I think by the time we got to bed, it was almost midnight, and I needed to be up at 5:30 to get ready for my 6:00 am boot camp.
My alarm went off, I got ready and got to the gym. I had no idea what to expect but I knew it was going to be hard. The class was about 50 min. It was AWESOME!!! We did a lot of stuff that I normally wouldn't do like run on the treadmill with an incline of 15, yes 15!!!! I was sweating bullets. I finally got home around 7:15 to find that our 2 year old woke up sick:(  Oh and now my 6 year said his tummy hurts. AHHHHHHHHH. I really wish that everyone would be sick at the same time but no, it's starts with one or 2 for about 4 days, they get better then the other get it, so it seems like someone is always sick. I am thankful that our  2 older boys are of track right now so we don't have to worry about school. I haven't taken the kids to the gym in over a week and still wont for another week or so and I won't take them everyday like I did before. I will just go and work out early and at night when my hubs gets home.
Looks like it's back to washing all bedding, Clorox and Lysol everything which I have been doing every single day. I need to get this germ out of the house. At least our 8 year old woke up feeling a little better. He's been the sickest out of everyone.
I still have a 3 mile run to do, but I will wait until tonight to do that. I am also going to keep any weight loss this week a secret until our 30 day weigh in which is this Thursday morning, but I do have to say, I feel AMAZING!!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New favorite

This is my new favorite lunch and or dinner. I got the idea from Leatherby's YUMMMMM
You can make this on the stove top, or I use my Panini press and I LOVE it!!! Best white elephant gift ever:)
Okay, so the bread above is Squaw bread but you can use any. Try not to use white bread tho. You can use any cheese but my favorite is provolone. I just went to the deli and had them slice it "sandwich" size, and I used 1 slice of cheese. Slice a 1/2 tomato, I use 1/2 an avocado sliced, and pour a little bit of Fat Free Italian dressing. That's it. Leatherbys calls this an "Adult grilled cheese"
Oh more more thing. I also used a tiny bit of butter on both slices of bread for it to be crunchy.
This is seriously the BEST and totally hits the spot. I had this for dinner tonight. YUMMMM

Yum, Yum

I am soooo excited for Breakfast this morning. Only 29 more minutes and I can eat!:) I have actually made this before and feel in LOVE. I found this recipe on Pinterest. The only thing I did different is, I didn't use Gluten Free oats just because I don't have any. I sprinkle a ton of cinnamon on the top and I added some coconut flakes on top, oh and I use dark chocolate chunks. YUMMMMM. I'm not sure of the the nutrition info, but I can't imagine it being that bad. If anything, a little high in carbs. The berries I used was only strawberries and I did use banana as well.
ENJOY you will LOVE!!!!!
Doesn't that look like heaven!!???? I took this pic BEFORE it went in the oven. This is still very good a few days later just put in microwave. YUMMMM

And here it is all done. My house smells sooo YUMMY!! Time for me to EAT!

*Here is the recipe:

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Dance!!!

I finally got some good sleep last night.  I woke up, got on the scale and lost another pound!!!!!! Today, this Mama weighs 137.5 I am down 10 pounds!!!! It feels so freaking good!!! I have worked my butt off especially this week. Today was my schedule 8 mile run. I went to the gym and started my run. I ran 7 1/2 miles none stop at 6.0 and I was DONE! My knee was killing me and I was so exhausted. I decided to walk for about 2-3 min just to catch my breath then I bumped the speed up to 8.0 and finished my last 1/2 mile. I am sooooooo SORE!!! I am so thankful tomorrow is my rest day were I will do nothing. I can totally tell that my body is beyond exhausted and needs a rest. Week 4 of my training is DONE.
Next week my training schedule is: 3,5,3,10 and I also start boot camp at 6:00 am Monday morning.
We were going to have our weigh in on Tuesday for the Health Challenge, but I think we will wait until Thursday just because that is the last day of the month. My goal was 10 pounds by my 4 week mark, but I already meet that goal today, so my new goal will be 2 more pounds by Thursday. We shall see:) I'm not sure where everyone is this week, but as of last week, I am still in first place in the health challenge:)
Month 2, I am really going to try and focus on my abs and triceps. Those are the 2 body parts that I really need to work on.
I feel amazing., strong and my confidences is back:)

Friday, January 25, 2013


I slept HORRIBLE again last night. I don't know what the heck is up?? I went to bed way to late. I think it was almost 1:00 am and I was up at 5:15 for some dang reason. I got on the scale thinking I would gain a few pounds since I ate so bad yesterday but  I was very shocked and pleased to say that after all the crap I ate yesterday, I only gained .5 pounds back. I bet if I got a good 9+ hours of sleep that .5 pounds wouldn't be there, but it's all good.
When I saw my trainer in 2011, I remember I got to the point were my body was burning (I can't remember the number but it was high) extra calories without me doing anything, since my metabolism it running and going strong. I'm pretty sure that is whats happening now since I only gained .5 pounds from my crazy cheat day which is awesome.
Of course today I am very tired. I still haven't worked out. I need to do some weights and my 55 minute Turbo Fire. Then tomorrow will be an 8 mile run and my last run of the week.
I can't wait to take a pic and com pair my before and 4 week mark.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do I dare????

Do I dare tell you what I ate today???? Hahaha  Yes I can tell you I sure enjoy my day, maybe a little too much:/
For breakfast I had a protein shake and some of these energy beans, then I went to lunch and had the best onion rings ever, veggie sandwich (didn't eat it all but most of it) and a little slice of carrot cake and water to drink. Came home, had about 8 Riesen candy's. Then my hubby got leathyby malts to go. I actually didn't have that much, maybe a cup if that. It was Chocolate Oreo by the way:) THEN...... we went to Settebello'ss for dinner. I didn't eat my whole pizza. I ate all but 2 slices, had water to drink and a cappuccino (I know, I know I said no caffeine this year but I have had it 3 times in 24 days:/ It's better then the 3-4 I was drinking a week). Lets just say, I am full to the max and sick. Although everything was yummy, I don't miss this full yucky feeling. I did enjoy my day but excited to start back at it in the morning.


Is there an area of the body you just don't like to work out?? Mine is my abs. The funny thing is, that is the area I want to see the most improvement. I don't want a flat tummy, I want a tone tummy. For some reason it's an area that I don't get all excited to workout. Yes I do abs everyday, but I know I could do more, and I know I would see better results, but for some reason I just don't ever give my abs 100% like I do with other part of my body. I am getting better, but I really need to start upping up my ab workouts if I want to reach my goal. I think with abs, they tend to take the longest for you to see results so I lack.

It's my Birthday:)

Yep, today is my Birthday. I am an old lady;)  I didn't sleep well at all last night. I have no idea why, but was up pretty much from 4:40 am on. When I woke up, I got on the scale and saw that I lost another pound. I am now down 9 1/2 pounds in 24 days. Wahooo:) After I got my son to school it was time for the gym. Today is my scheduled 3 mile run. I got it done pretty fast, then onto weights. Today I decided to up my weights. Oh my goodness, I bumped my weight up to 190 pounds on the leg press. It was hard, but I was able to do all my reps which is good. Next time I will add a little more weight.  After the gym, I had my hubby take a pic of me to show how my arms are finally starting to tone up. In this pic I am flexing so they look a lot bigger then if I am just standing there. I am so happy with my results and can't wait to see how I look at my 90 day mark.
So since it's my Birthday, I am having a cheat day. Yes day not meal. I know, I know, probably not the best idea, and I know I will gain a pound or 2 back but it's all good, it's my day and I'll enjoy it then back at it again tomorrow. I hope I lose at least 10 pounds by my 4 week mark which is Tuesday.
This Mommy of 4 is 31 and feels great.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


As you know, I LOVE running and love races. They are my favorite, and I get such a rush when I run in them.  I have ran 5-5k's, 1-10K, 4- 1/2 Marathons and soon I will add my full marathon to the list. I am sure I will run a few more 5k's and 1/2 Marathons this year as well. I have never worked this hard in my life. Never felt this tired or sore, but I absolutely LOVE it!!!! It is a hobby of mine, and I am so thankful that I can run.
I made this cute medal board to display all my medals. I love how to turned out, and can't wait to add more this year 2013

Up close

Smoothie time

I just made a really yummy smoothie and I have to share. 

In blender add:
handful of  baby spinach
about 1/4 cup frozen blue berries
about 1/4 cup frozen raspberry
1 scoop chocolate protein
and I use the crystal light Raspberry ice juice for the liquid (it only has 5 calories and nothing else)
Blend and ENJOY:)
This batch made about 2 1/2 of these cups, so I froze the rest.


I can't tell you how excited and pumped I am. I have been doing awesome with my diet and fitness and feel so strong. I joined the gym a week ago today and have been every day except for Sunday. This morning I meet with a trainer, not to train, but to talk about my goals, diet and how to achieve my goals. With signing up, this is a free sit down meeting they do. Then next Thursday I will go in first thing in the morning for blood work to test everything and see were I am at fitness wise. They will be doing my body fat etc.
I also talked with the boot camp trainer, and I will be starting first thing Monday morning at 6:00am. This will be a 2 week camp. So 6 times total for 1 hour each. I am super excited. I am starting to see a change in my body and feeling very strong. Yay!!!! all this hard work is paying off, and it feels good!!! I LOVE it. I look forward to working out everyday.

Today I was schedule for a 5 mile run. After my meeting, it was time for the treadmill. I ran my 5 miles without stopping and felt great, then did some abs and I was done. I have 3 miles to run tomorrow, then 8 Saturday and week 4 of training will be done. My goal is to try and run the full Marathon in 4 hours. So we shall see. I'm going to train as hard as I can to meet that goal, but really all that matter's is I finish. Hahah 26.2 miles is a LONG time to run plus it depends on the course. Ahhhhhhhhhh it feels sooooooo GOOD to be healthy again:)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First race of the year

Saturday January 19th was my first race for 2013. It was the Frigid 5k. My friend and I heard about this race when we ran the Halloween half, and I knew I was for sure going to run the Frigid 5k. I thought it looked so fun. The theme is " Where your skimpy's and freeze your buns off" I looked on the website and saw pics of people in shorts so I knew I was going to run in shorts and a tank top. Well come to find out, everyone decided that it was too cold this year to wear skimpy's so my friend and I were in the only ones in tank tops, and I was the only one in a tank and shorts. There were a few people in shorts but they had on long sleeves. People kept making comments and couldn't believe how crazy we were.
Finally it was time to go. I took off feeling very strong. Yes, it was cold but I was numb rather then cold if that makes sense. haha Around mile 2 I looked at my arms and legs, and they were BRIGHT red and my nose would not stop running. My legs also felt so heavy. I felt like I was barley moving. I finally saw the finish line and booked it. My final time was 27.24 (I got that exact same time in the country fest in 2012) and I placed 1st place in women age group 30-34
I really wasn't cold until we went inside a building. Once inside, I couldn't stop shivering. I was FREEZING. They also had a Polar plunge where you jump into the ice cold lake, but my friend and I didn't do it. We might do it next year. Might;)
The one bad thing about this race, is it was VERY unorganized. Took for ever to reply to emails (weeks) lost my time and couldn't figure it out until today, packet pick up was crazy, but after all the craziness and a bit frustrated, I will for sure do it again. I just hope they are more prepared next year:)
I am so thankful I didn't get sick. I was so worried since I was pretty much naked running in ZERO degree weather. Haha

Dessert time

I don't know what my deal is but I am in a funk today. I am so tired and just want to chill. As I was watching the Bachelor I decided that I need a treat. I found this dessert on Pinterest, but decided to add my own twist to it. I wish I would have taken a pic but I was too excited and ate it before I could. haha

Slice a banana 1/2 inch apart and freeze.

Pull out how ever many banana chips you want. I pulled out 6 total.
Next, put a tiny bit of peanut butter on 3 of the banana chip. Then top with the other banana chips to make a sandwich. Drizzle a tiny bit of honey over the top and sprinkle Cinnamon. 
That's it, it's so yummy and totally hit the spot. YUMMM

*My "twist" was the honey and cinnamon:)


Sunday, January 20, 2013

What am I doing?

I had someone ask me "What are you doing, how are you doing it" My answer was "Eating clean, healthy and good ol exercise"
My typical eating schedule is I try and eat every 2 hours. For example

Breakfast: 2 egg whites and a protein shake
2 hours later snack: protein shake and handful of raw almonds
2 hours later lunch: some kind of protein and at least a cup of veggies. I eat a lot of green veggies.
2 hours later snack: protein shake and string cheese. or lately I have been eating the Dannon Greek light and fit yogurt. I LOVE the blueberry one and I like to sprinkle some bran flacks on top. YUM
2 hours later dinner: I eat a protein and more veggies.

And that's pretty much what I have been eating. I am starting to add more complex carbs to my meals so for breakfast, I will eat 1 piece of whole wheat toast to go with my eggs and protein shake.

My personal goal is to workout at least 1 hour a day, but some day's it's more just because I am in training and run so much, I need to make sure I do my weight and ab training as well. not just cardio. I also have 1 rest day where I don't do a thing. I need to have a day of rest so my muscles don't get so tired and over worked.  I say if you can get in a good 20-30 minutes of exercise a day, that is awesome.

Oh and most importantly, make sure you are drinking a TON of water!! I drink about a gallon a day.

some other snack/meal ideas I eat are:
I make a juice
Protein frozen shake if I feel like a treat
cottage cheese with 1/2 an avocado and cherry tomatoes (I use this for my lunch or sometimes dinner)
cobb salad
Fruit and nut salad from Zuppas. oh my goodness I LOVE it. I just get the half salad and dip my fork in the dressing with each bite. I don't even eat half the small dressing. (not sure on calories since they don't have a nutrition facts sheet yet)

I am also going to have 1 cheat meal a week. With this meal, I will eat what ever I want. I love when I get to this point:)

I hope this helps explain what I have been eating:) Remember that I am not a Doctor, trainer or nutritionist. I am just a Mommy trying to be fit and healthy. Check with your Doctor to see what calories you should be taking in and what you should be eating  Everyone  is different.

Weigh in time week 3

Today is another weigh in. Week 3. I am very happy to say that I am down 8 1/2 pounds. Starting weight of 147.5 and today I am 139. Good bye 140's hello 130's :) I feel amazing!!! So far my diet and fitness plan has been going really well. My hardest week was week 2 when we ate like crap and by crap I mean McDonald's french fries, ice cream 3 times, pizza, and I did have 2 coffee's:/ Remember how I am trying to go a full year with no caffeine? Yeah I broke it:( but it's all good. 2 caffeine drinks in 19 days isn't too bad. haha. I did gain 3 pounds back from all the crap but so happy I lost it and more:)
I am kicking butt at the gym, and I am also starting to eat a little complex carbs. Now that my runs are going up, I really need to make sure I have complex carbs in order to give me the energy I need to finish strong. I have also been working on my speed. I have been bumping up the speed a little more each time.
My goal for this new week will be 2 pounds. I am going to crank up my workouts even harder. My runs this week are: 3,5,3,8. My Birthday is on Thursday, and I will cheat for sure that day:) I want to enjoy my special day:) But just my Birthday that's it. Not 4 days in a row like I did on week 2.
Next Tuesday will the end of week 4 and I will post an after picture. I'm excited to see the difference in the pics. I don't think I really look that different yet, but we shall see in the pics:)
It's time to kick some major butt. Bring on week 4!!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013


 I think the hardest part is to start. I can't even count all the times I gave up, that I will start on Monday. Just excuse after excuse. What ever your goal may be, weight loss, toning, eating better, what ever, always remember that you started and that's what counts.
I always say that the easy part is losing weight. Well not easy, but it's easier for me to lose weight then to keep it off for a long time. I learned the hard way last year:/ This year I have a total different mind set. I not going back to my old habits. I want to continue to work on my fitness and be healthy inside and out. I want to live a longer and healthy life. I want to teach my children how important it is to be healthy and I want to help motivate other to reach their fitness and health goals.
I am very proud to say that I have "started" 3 weeks ago and NOT giving up. I'm doing this for my family, friends ad most importantly myself.  I forgot how good it feels to be healthy. I am loving it and can't wait to improve.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Juice time

Now I have tried the "Juice Cleanse" and I SUCK at it. I have tried a bunch of times and can never get through a full day of just juice. So, I decided that I will juice once a day. It is soooooo healthy for you. I have to be honest, I don't really like the taste at all but I always feel so good the rest of the day after drinking one. When I am sick, I like to drink a few juices a day to pump me full of vitamins and it always works.
It's great for someone like my hubby who hates ALL veggies. I make him a juice full of fruit and veggies, and he drinks the whole thing:)
I broke our first juicer last year. I put a tiny frozen strawberry in my machine and within a second, the frozen strawberry totally broke off pieces off my machine. So always remember NO frozen produce. Haha I learned the hard way. We finally bought another juicer about a month ago and I love it. So here's to juicing and here's to good health.
The recipe for this juice is:
4 celery stalks
1 green apple
1 lemon peeled
small piece of Ginger root
about a cup of baby carrots
2 big handfuls of baby spinach

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I haven't had a gym membership in about 3 years. I do really well with my workouts at home. We have a pretty awesome workout room, but I need to go to the next level. I need machines. When we saw our trainer in 2011, he kept telling me that I would see even better results if I got a gym membership, but I never got one. To be honest, I do love the gym. Love all the equipment and classes, but I don't want to be seen by people I know. I know so stupid, but I just get super self conscious and just want to get my workout on and leave.
My brother in law has been trying to get us to go to this awesome gym for years and we finally decided to join. I always knew it was awesome. Actually the coolest gym ever, but my fear was I didn't want to see anyone I knew, and pretty much everyone I know goes there. haha. I have no idea why I have this fear but I do. I know it's super weird huh?? But I am getting over this fear and getting my workout on and I don't care who sees me. I will reach my fitness goal this year. I am determined and can't wait.
Oh, and I also signed up for a  2 week boot camp. It's going to be HELL but I can't wait:) I meet with someone next week and they will tell me when I can start. Ekkkkkkk I am also taking a few private 2 hour, yes 2 hour Yoga class. I love yoga and it will help me with my training for my full Marathon. Speaking of training. This week my runs are 3,4,3,7. I didn't run my 6 last Saturday because the treadmill was broken so I did the elliptical and bike, and I didn't run 3 on Monday since I was so sick. I did how ever run 4 today and felt so strong. I kept my speed at 6.0 and my last mile at 7.0. Saturday, I am running a 5k (3.1 miles) then I will go to the gym later that day and run 4 more miles. I also need to bump up my weight training. It's time for heavier weights. It feels so good to be in the zone again:)


I haven't posted a blog in so long. I am slacking. Really not a lot has happened. Like I said on my last post, we cheated Friday-Monday.  I was down 7 pounds but because of me going crazy, I gained 3 of those pounds back. BOOOOO and to top it off, I woke up Sunday morning sooooooo sick with a yucky head cold. I laid on the couch or in my bed for 3 days. I felt so yucky and had all this pressure in my head that wouldn't go away. All I wanted was comfort food to make me feel better.
Tuesday I was still feeling yucky, but decided that I need to get back on my diet. The last time I worked out was Saturday morning. I needed to rest as much as I could to get better asap. I am also running the Frigid 5k this Saturday so I really wanted to be better before then.
Today is Wednesday, and I am happy to say that I lost 2 of the 3 pounds I gained back:) We will have a weigh in this Sunday and my goal is to be down 8 pounds which will make me be at 139. So we shall see what the scale says Sunday morning.
Oh and I still haven't tried any new recipes:( With our friend in town last week, I was too busy, and with me being sick most of this week, I haven't taken the time, but we did have a super yummy dinner tonight. Black bean burgers topped with Salsa in a bed of Spinach leaves. YUMMMMM I love them!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still here :)

I'm still here. We have had a crazy busy week so I haven't had time to update my blog. Okay, so one of our very best friends came in town. While he was here my hubby and a I decided that we are going to enjoy our time with him since we haven't seen him in over 3 years, and not sure when we will see him again. We went to dinner Friday night, ate a yummy breakfast Saturday morning, then went out to lunch AND dinner. We of course didn't stick to our diet. We figure since he is in town for just a few days we will go all out. Yes, It was nice to eat what we wanted, but my hubs and I are done and so ready to eat healthy again.
Due to our eating habits this weekend, I didn't lose any weight. And I woke up super sick with a major head cold:( I am resting all day on the couch and hope to feel better tomorrow so I can get my workout on and kick some butt. But if I am still feeling yucky, then I will just stick with my diet, and worry about my workouts when I feel better.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


So I have to be honest, last night we went to Settebelo's. Remember how my hubs and I were going to share a pizza. Well......... that didn't happen. I was so excited, had eaten so good for 9 days, done everything 110% that I decided that I am going to have my own pizza. I also got a small gelato (Italian ice cream) I was freaking out the whole time worried about if I would gain weight but just decided to enjoy my night. I've worked so hard and even though I was going to wait another 4 more weeks for cheat meals, I decided last night I would treat myself. I am so glad I did. I don't feel bad about it at all.
I did gain 1 1/2 pounds, but I'm not worried. I haven't been to the bathroom (TMI sorry) and when ever I go to bed later then 10:00, I never lose weight. I didn't go to bed until 12:00 last night:/ But it's all good. I woke up feel strong and ready to conquer my day. I just finished my run and will do weights tonight.
This Mama feels amazing!:)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today has been an amazing day. I went to bed around 9:15 last night and was up around 7:30. I have had a ton of energy all day. I feel great. I did my 45 minute Turbofire work out this morning, and I will run 4 miles tonight. I also finally lost another pound:) So that's 7 total. My face is starting to thin out a bit and I don't have to squeeze on my skinny jeans around my waist. They button right up:)
I have still eaten healthy 100%  but tonight is the night that we are going to Settebello's. so I am a little nervous about that since it will be the first time I have had carbs in 9 days. I am going to enjoy my night, then back at it 110% tomorrow morning :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's back!!!

It's back, my energy is back:) Man, yesterday was such a hard day for some reason. I went to bed way later then I should have:/ But I woke up feeling strong and full of energy. After I got my kids to school, I had my breakfast then went downstairs and did the HIT 15 turbofire workout. It's only 15 minutes long, but it is soooo HARD!! The 15 minute HIT class is harder then the 55 minute class. So after I was about to throw up, I finished my 15 minute Turbofire, then I did a 10 minute stretch which I LOVE.  I also rode the bike for 40 minutes while I watched the Bachelor haha;)
I haven't lost any weight since Sunday, so still down 6 pounds. But the inches are falling off and I love it:) I hope to lose 1-2 pounds this week, but like I said on a previous post, i'm not sure if I will since I will have a few days were I will eat some carbs. We will see how it goes. But it's all good if I don't. I feel amazing and so much stronger and it's only the start of week 2.
Last week I was curling 20 pound free weights and it was hard. Yesterday I was curling 25 pounds and it wasn't that hard. Also when I do my plyometrics, I am jumping so much higher now. I can't believe how much stronger I already feel in just 1 week. It feels so amazing.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I have had NO energy at all today. I even struggled with my workout. I got it done, but I just wasn't into it today. I only had to run 3 miles on the treadmill but I was so tired. After my run I came upstairs for my breakfast then back downstairs for my weights. Even with my weights, I just wasn't feeling it. I have been so exhausted all day. Not sure if it's a case of the "Monday's" or what. But after dinner tonight I decided that I NEED a treat. I need something to wake me up, taste yummy and make me feel better. So I made this YUMMY Protein frozen shake and it totally hit the spot:) YUMMMMMM

*In a blender add 1 scoop chocolate protein, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, handful of ice and water then blend.
It's no Oreo shake but sure taste GOOOOOOOD:)
After I filled this glass, I still had about 1/2 a glass left so I gave it to my 2 year old and he LOVED it:)

Is it hot in here???

Have you ever noticed when you start to exercise and eat healthy that you are always so HOT!! Oh my goodness, the past few days I am sooooooo hot all day long, especially at night. Did you know that is a sign that your Metabolism is working?? YAY!!!! :) So I am not going to complain if I am hot;) That is a sign that my body is telling me I am doing something right :)

I got the info below from this webisite:

Your muscles are the key to increasing your metabolic rate. Muscles need a lot more energy day in and day out to function than fat needs. The more muscles you have the more energy you will consume daily. This means that you will burn a lot more calories if you have a healthy muscle mass. All you have to do to increase your muscle mass is exercise more.
The best exercises you can do to increase your muscles mass and increase your metabolic rate are strength exercises. Weight lifting is a fabulous workout which speeds up your metabolism for up to 10-12 hours after the workout is finished. This means that you don’t just burn fat while exercising, you will also burn fat after the workout is done. Going to the gym 3 times a week and doing some weigh lifting will work wonders and help you melt the fat away.
The second thing you can do to increase metabolism is to eat only healthy food. This may sound easy but if it is so easy why aren’t you doing it? You see junk food clogs your body and slow down its functions. A body that cannot operate at full capacity will burn a lot less calories daily.


So my plan is to not have carbs (meaning any type of breads and grain) until my 4 week mark. Well, I am going to brake that rule this week. Only because we are going to dinner with my besties and dates at my very favorite restaurant Settebello's. It's a Italian pizzeria. I don't know if you have ever had neapolitan pizza, but it's NOTHING like American pizza. It's not greasy at all.  Really the only bad part will be the dough but my hubby and I are going to share a pizza. We usually get our own.
One of our best friends that we meet in Italy will be in town this week as well and we will be going to dinner a few times while he is here. I think we might go to Settebello's again. So I may not lose any weight this week due to my carb intake. We will see. I will still stick with my diet 100% besides the carbs, and hope for the best:)

Here is a picture of what the pizza looks like. I will be splitting this with my hubby.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I just finished up my first week of my Marathon training. Now onto week 2. This week my runs will be 3,4,3,6 I am pumped and ready to go. But if we don't get a snow storm soon, i'm going to have to run inside on the treadmill. The air quality is way to bad to be outside running right now:/

Out and about

So with my diet plan I am eating every 2 hours 5 times a day. I also write everything down. That way it helps me keep track for when I need to eat again or to help me with my calories. Oh, speaking of calories, my Husband uses this FREE program called My Fitness Pal.  You type in everything you eat and it calculates the calories you have eaten for the day. You would be surprised at how many calories you are or aren't taking in. Did you know that if you don't eat enough calories you can stop losing weight? Your body will think it's starving itself and start eating away your muscle?. I know I don't want that. I haven't used the program My Fitness Pal yet, but I want to try it out today.
Okay, so going back to "Out and about" If you are going to be out and about or even at work make sure you bring your snacks with you. Keep in your car or in your purse. Otherwise if your like me, you get so hungry and you tend to cheat. I like to keep water with me at all times, raw almonds, and a protein bar. The other day I was out and missed my lunch, so I ate one of those meal replacement protein bars and it was not only filling, but soooooo GOOD!!!  It was just like eating a treat:) I'm not planing on eat those often, but they are good to keep in your car for the "just in case" moments.

*Here is the link to My Fitness Pal. Check it out:)

Weigh in time!

This morning was our weigh in, I am sooooooo HAPPY and PROUD to say that I've lost 6 pounds in 5 days!!:) I started at 147.5 and now at 141.4. I am so excited and feel awesome! And I am also in first place in the Health Challenge:)  This first week will most likely be my highest weight loss. From here on out, I think I will lose about 2-3 pounds a week. WAHOOOOOOOO:)

*I've decided that I will post after pictures at every 4 week mark, that way you will really be able to see the difference:)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5

Last night was a very big challenge for me. We had our Cafe Rio for a late lunch, then went to Valley fair mall to watch my brother in law dress in drag to try and win his daughter Justin Bieber tickets. Haha it was sooooooo funny and awesome to see all the drag queens out:) After the show, my husbands family all wanted to go Red Robin for dinner. I have to be honest, I started to panic. I had already eaten my dinner (I ate before we left) and by the time we would eat, it would be 9:00 and that is way to late for me to eat. I try and not eat later then 6:30. I really didn't want to go because I didn't want to be tempted. We decided to go but I said I would not eat and only drink my water. And of course with my luck, the manager brings 2 yes 2 of their yummy appetizers that has onion rings and mozzarella sticks for FREE. My two favorites. But I held strong and didn't eat a thing. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but glad I was strong:) By the way, if it was earlier, and I hadn't had dinner, I would have eaten for sure. But healthy of course. I would have gotten the Gardner burger with no bun.
Today is Day 5 and I am still feeling great. My energy is still going strong, I'm not really craving things and I am doing really well with my workouts. Today my workout will be a 5 mile run and weights since I didn't have time yesterday. Then all Sunday's will be my rest day. Tomorrow is our weigh in. We decided that we would weigh in every Sunday.  This week we will be short a few days since our first weigh in was on Tuesday. I'm excited to see how everyone is doing.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Yum Yum

Just because you are on a diet and trying to eat healthy, doesn't mean you have to stay home and can never go out to eat. Since it's Friday, we decided to go out to eat. We went to Cafe Rio and got the Tostada. It's so much cheaper then the salad:) So I get the tostada salad with NO tostada, no rice, no chips and no sour cream. Since I don't eat meat, I just had the black beans for my protein.. So my salad was: lettuce, black beans, little cheese, lime juice, pico, and I did use about 1/2 the small size of the Vinaigrette. It was sooooo YUMMY and healthy. Don't be afraid to go out to eat, just remember to make healthy choices and you can still have a yummy fun night:)


I LOVE this pic that I found on Facebook. This is so true for me. I always work so hard in the winter to have a summer body, but once summer comes, I go back to my old habits. I will NOT do that this year. I will continue to be healthy and strong.

Day 4

Yesterday I finally had my energy back:) I felt great the whole day. Got a few things done and was in bed by 11:00. Later then I wanted. I really should have been in bed by 10:00, but I was doing other things. My workout yesterday was my scheduled 3 mile run which I did outside and it was FREEZING!!!!! I had none stop tears running down my face, but I still love running outside:) I also needed to do weights but didn't have time after my run so I waited until my boys went to bed and I got my weights in around 8:45ish :)
Today is day 4. I woke up happy and full of energy. My workout today will be weights again and Turbofire. I am still sticking with my diet of high protein and veggies for now. I am so happy to be back on track again. It feels so GOOD!!!!!! It also helps that my hubby is doing it as well so we are helping each other and kicking some BUTT!!!:)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snack time

I found the best snack. Not only is it super healthy, full of protein and fiber, but my WHOLE family LOVES them!!!! One of my boys asked if we could have them every night for dinner. haha
The only thing I would do different is add more chili powder. You can't taste the "spicy" at all but still sooooo YUMMY!!!!!!!! They remind me of corn nuts and popcorn.
I found the recipe on pinterest. Click on the link below to read all about this amazing healthy and yummy snack. ENJOY!!:)

How do I find the time???

I have been down this road MANY times and have heard other say the same thing. "I just don't have the time" or "How do you find the time?"
It took me a while to figure this out. I have 4 boys. 8, 6, 4, and 2. I am a stay at home Mom and always have 2 home at all times. Then when my older boys go off track, I have all 4 home for about 4 weeks.  Trying to fit a workout in can be tricky, but you can do if you really want too. Yes, it takes time away from your free time, or your sleep time, or what ever, but if you want it that bad, you will make the time.
When my boys were babies, I would bring the swing or bounce chair in my workout room and workout. Sometimes I could get my whole workout in with no interruptions, other times I would have to stop every 10 minutes. But I didn't let it stop me. When my kids got a little older (toddler stage) I would bring toys, a coloring book and crayons with some snacks and they will play on the floor while I worked out. Our, I would get my workout  while my baby was napping. My boys are a little older now so they are fine to play upstairs but my 2 year old comes down stairs with my while I work out. Sometimes all my boys come with me and we all workout together:)
Sometimes I have to wake up at 4:30-5:00 am to get my run in if I am planning on running outside. I have to do it before my hubby goes to work, and before I have to get my kids ready for school. Otherwise I can't run outside until my husband gets home and right now it's too dark outside.
I also really like to workout at night after everyone has gone to bed. That way I can get it done with no distractions or interruptions. 
Try and find a time that is best for you and stick with it. I do not have a Gym membership and do all my workouts at home.  I may get a membership someday but for now I will be doing all workouts at home.

Day 3

Yesterday was another successful day:) But I am still really tired and have gone to bed at 8:30 both nights.
So far I am so excited with my results:) I will post my weight loss first thing Sunday morning:) I haven't really craved anything yet, but I do make sure I have a bunch of fruity Trident gum in the house. That way if I feel like something sweet then I will just eat some gum:) It helps big time:)
My goal yesterday was to find yummy healthy recipes. Well, I didn't have much luck. But I will keep looking and post asap. I did however find some yummy healthy snacks that I can't wait to try. I need to go to the store today and pick up a few things. I will post the recipes and let you know how we rate it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thank you!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the supporters!!! I can't believe it:) As of now, my page has been viewed over 700 times and I have had 4 different people send me messages asking for help. You have no idea how much it means to me. I was afraid at first to do this blog because I didn't want to come across annoying. I am so happy that people actually care and that you are not only helping me, but I am helping you!:)
I can't wait to hear every one's success stories. 2013 is OUR year. Time to be fit, strong and confident!!!!

Day 2

I finished day one!!! No cheating on my diet, had a great workout and went to bed early. I did lose some weight, but I will keep it a secert until Sunday;) That is our next weigh in:)  I've said this before, but the first week or 2 are always the hardest for me. My energy levels are down but I don't let that stop me because I know if I can tough it out, I will be feeling amazing in a few weeks.
Today is my running day and I am scheduled to run 4 miles. It was 11, yes 11 degrees this morning but I went outside anyways. I actually love running in the cold, plus I only run on the treadmill if I absolutely have too. I have to be honest, I didn't feel the strongest on my run this morning. My legs felt super heavy. I think from my workout yesterday?? But it's all good. I finished and that's all that matters:) After my run, I came home drank water and a little bit of Gatorade. I also had a protein shake and 2 egg whites for my breakfast. 
I am going to be searching for some yummy healthy recipes today. I hope I can find stuff that myslef and whole family can enjoy and all of you:)
I will also be looking for healthy desserts, because if you are like me, I love and need a treat every once in awhile:)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dinner time

Look at my amazing Veggie Omelet dinner:) This is one of my very favorite dinners. I make it even when I'm not dieting. I used 3 egg whites, black pepper, sprinkled some cheese (just a little), 1/2 a tomato, about 1/2 cup spinach leaves and I add a few drops of Tabasco sauce on top. YUMMMMMMM :) It is also very filling. I made omelets for all my boys tonight, but they had just egg and cheese. I normally would add ham to theirs but I didn't have any.
I don't eat meat, but my boys do. I try and make at least 2 meals a week for my family with no meat. This is a perfect "meat less" dinner. It's easy, cheap and yummy:)
*You can add any veggies and as much as you like. That's what so great about this:)


Cardio is my thing. I LOVE it!!! I don't mind weights, but I really love cardio, and I learned in 2012 that I can't just do cardio. I didn't see the results that I wanted. Also, weight training will not only help me look better, but it will help me with my runs.  Since I am in training for my full marathon, I am running Monday's Wednesday's, Thursday's and Saturdays. I will also be doing Turbofire. I talk about this awesome workout DVD's all the time. I LOVE them. They are challenging, but fun. It's like kick boxing.  Click on this link to read more about the amazing and fun Turbo fire:)

My workout this morning was: 30 minute Turbofire, 25 minutes of free weights and 10 minute abs. That is all I will do for today. Now I need to make sure I stick to my healthy eating habbits. So far I've done good:)

Health Challenge day1

Today is the day. My 90 day Health Challenge has begun. My starting weight this morning was........... 147.5   We will be doing weigh ins once a week. I am soooooo motivated right now and hope I continue to have the drive. The first week is always the hardest but once I get over the first 7 days, it gets so much easier. I hope to not only lose some weight, but I want to be very tone and fit.
I was going to wait to post my before picture but decided that I have nothing to hide. I am not were I want to be, but will be soon. I just can't believe the difference from how I look today to how I looked last year at this time. NO more excuses, I am so ready to reach my goal and win the weight loss challenge:)
*This pic was taken first thing this morning so I look a little scary. haha*