Friday, October 24, 2014

Taking it one day at a time

Oops, since I haven't blogged in the longest time I keep forgetting to update. I'll try better next time. LOL
I am still not 100% on my diet but it has gotten so much better. I am FINALLY to the point were I actually want to eat healthy instead of going out to eat. I am just so ready to be fit again.  I just feel so much better inside and out.
I am also dong pretty good with my workouts. I can only do upper body and abs and even that can be a challenge. Since I can't put weight on my foot, I am constantly having to adjust. It's amazing how much you take for granted until it's taken away. The simplest task I can no longer do and having to find ways to make it work can  not only be exhausting but very challenging as well. I am however quite surprised that I can still lift just as heavy as before so that's great news :)
Since my news about my foot and my Doctor said "no more running, ever!" has totally broken my heart into pieces. I know, I know, how it's just running what the big deal? To me this is terrible news. I am proud to say that I am a runner. I am a long distance runner and love it. I love the competiveness of races, I love to go for a long run to clear my head and to say "Hell yeah I just ran 18+ miles today" :)  I love to push myself to limits that I didn't think were even possible. I love to show my boys about dedication and hard work.  I LOVE earning medals and 2 1st place trophies ;) I love that my bestie runs with me and how close it has made us. I love to have a goal and not only reach it but to PR. For me running was a hobby that I enjoyed and was good at.  So can you see my struggle? Ugh. I have had many, many brake downs. I see people running I cry, someone brings it up I cry, looking at my medals I cry. I am starting to hold it together and know this is life and how thankful I am that I even got to run all these years and experience all my amazing adventures.
I am thankful for my family and friends who made my very last race the best memory ever. None of us knew that my full Marathon this April would be it. I had family and friends meet me at a bunch of check points, they had shirts made, and they were cheering for me. It was by far my hardest race I have ever ran. I had to run with horrible blisters for 16 miles. I cried every time I saw someone I knew. Heck the first time I broke down was mile 8 to my 2 best friends Dawnita and Nicole. LOL
I will ALWAYS remember that race. I am beyond thankful for Dawnita who has been by my side every single step of the way. She's my running buddy and always there right beside me at each race.
I will always be there for her at each race she runs. If not a Volunteer then a cheerleader and always be there for her at the finish line.
I will not give up, I will find something else :) In the Spring, I hope to start cycling and start a new adventure, but for now it's time to say good bye to running. There will always be a special place in my heart for running and I will always cherish those memories.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

New Adventure

Goodness where to begin!! This year 2014 has been a super lazy year for me. I don't know what it is, but after my full Marathon in April, I just couldn't get in the groove. I wasn't working out as hard as I normally do and my diet well...... has been crap!
My biggest weakness has always been maintaining. I am a horrible maintainer. I usually do really well until I reach a certain goal then back to my old habits. One good thing is I know what to do. I am not one for the "fad" diets. Good ol diet and exercise work best for me but I struggle with the eating healthy part all the time. LOL I love fast food and LOVE eating a million carbs a day. LOL

2 weeks ago I had to have another foot surgery. Which means a super long recovery, no weight on foot for a long time, which means no lower body for at least 6+months and probably take a full year until I am 100%
This is HUGE for me. I am super independent and don't like to be taken care of. I am also super active so it's been a struggle to just lay in bed 99% of my day. I was also told I can never run again :( My foot is so bad that it's not worth the risk. I have to be honest, I have been struggling a bit. It's so hard to not be active, not being able to go to the gym. You don't know how bad I want to just drip with sweat and be sore head to toe from a good work out :( It's been super hard. but it's life and I need to just accept my injury, heal, and be very patient.

This past year I have gained weight and inches. I look at pictures and it's crazy to think I was ever that fit. I'm not one looking to be skinny, I just like to be fit and healthy.
I've decided that I am not going to let my injury hold me down. I talked with my Doctor asking if it would be ok if I lifted weight for upper body only and abs. He said that it totally fine. I'm going to try my best to get Fit with my injury. To prove to myself that it can happen. Of course a huge part is my diet. Diet is a must, and by diet I mean eating healthy.

My sweet hubby brought up all my weights and bench so I can get going. I'm excited to start my journey once again. I'm glad I doing my blog again because it helped me so much last time.  So here I go. On to a healthy fit life with an injury.