Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family fitness

So a goal of mine is to not only be fit and healthy, but I want my family to be healthy as well. All 4 of my boys always comment on my running and they definatly see how hard I work espeically my 6 year old. He LOVES fitness and always has. He LOVES the Rock and wants to look just like him when he grows up.

Almost time!!!

Oh my goodness, it is almost race time. I have been freaking out all week. My bestie/running buddy and I talk every single day and night about our training and race. I still can't believe it's almost time. I am extremely nervous but so excited at the same time:)
Tomorrow is packet pick up and my bestie and I are going together then we are going to lunch to do our final carb loading before the big day!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's time to get down to business!!

We are back from our mini vacation. We had a BLAST in Vegas. We walked a million miles, watched a show, and ate way too much but boy was it fun:)
So now it's time to get to work!!!! No more slacking for me. I can't wait to be fit again!! My body is craving the gym and I can't wait to give it my all.
I have many goals coming up that I would love to achieve.
1. I need to get as fit as I can for my photo shoot
2.Win the health challenge I am in, but to be honest, I don't think I will even come close since we are about to finish week 6 and I am now just starting:/ We are also doing this point system and I am for sure out on that. but it's all good. I'm going to give it my all.
3. I really need to focus on my strength training so I can improve on my running. I am determined to PR my Full Marathon I am running in April 2014.
4. I need to keep my health and fitness a lifestyle. This is HUGE for me. Like I've said many times, I do really well with my exercise but my diet always goes down hill and fast.

So here we go:) I am excited and can't wait to FINALLY get on track again. It's been way too long.

*I am going to try my best to keep up with this blog, however, I will not post any weight loss. Not until after the Challenge which ends December 23rd. Wish me luck!:)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Am I really that CRAZY!!! UMMMM HELL YES!!:)

A few weeks ago I signed up for the 2014 Salt Lake full marathon. 26.2 miles!!! Why yes, I am that CRAZY!!! Hahaha  As I have posted before, training for and running a full Marathon is NO JOKE!!! It was by far the very hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Yes even harder then natural (I'm talking 100% natural no meds at all!!) child birth which I did with all 4 of my boys.
Just now I started reading all my old posts about my Marathon journey and to be honest it started to freak me out. Am I ready to start this all over again??? Running for HOURS and HOURS for Miles and miles, running in the freezing cold and on the treadmill for HOURS. I only have about 2 months left until I start my hard core training. I have been keeping up with my weight training but I will need to do what I did last time. Super heavy weights with lower reps. I also want to lose  some weight. I want to be in even better shape then I was this year during my Marathon.
I REALLY want to PR. This year I ran my Marathon in 4:45 but if my knee didn't act up at mile 18 on, I bet I could have ran it about 15-20 minutes faster. We shall see. All that really matters is I finish:)
I am sad that my best friend and runner buddy wont be running the full with me in 2014:( But that's OK, she has better plans for her in the year 2014:)
 I am running the Thankful 13 which is a half marathon 13.1 miles on Thanksgiving morning. I ran this race last year and loved it. I am so excited for this year's race because my 2 older boys will  be running in the kid loop and I will be running with them to help push them:) I will be so sore that day but I can't wait:)
 Everyone don't be surprised when you start seeing a million post about my running soon. Haha. It helps keep me going. If you don't like it, delete me:)