Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's time to KILL it!!!!

OK friends, like I've said before. February has been the WORST month EVER for me as far as my diet goes. I don't even think I had a full day of eating 100% healthy :/ But I have to tell you that I still feel great, strong and I will KILL it starting tomorrow. I am ready to see better results, I am ready to rock a bikini, ready to finally reach my goal, ready to run as fast as I can in my marathon and so on.
Oh speaking of February being a hard month. I found my very FIRST GRAY HAIR!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO. My Mom said I probably got it this last week since my baby has been quite mischievous lately.  Oh the joys of getting old.
So back to fitness haha, so I didn't lose any weight this month. I am up 2 pounds from last month. We have 1 month left of our health challenge and I WILL WIN IT!!:) I am so proud of my hubby who is down 17 pounds. He is doing awesome. I am still going to hold off on pictures since I did so horrible this month and there is no change. I hope I can see some major changes this new month. Even though our health challenge ends April 1st, that will not be the end of me reaching my goals. It will take a lot more time for me to reach my fitness goal. I am so excited to get back on track again:)
I've had a set back, but it will NOT stop me!! I will keep going!!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today I went with my 4 year old preschool class on a field trip to a Doughnut shop. As the kids were eating, I started talking with a few Mom's who I know. They asked me how I stay so thin and what  I do. I told them that I am a runner, healthy eating and exercise. One of the Mom's asked me if I have ever had any injuries because she has bad knees. I think she figured I probably never have, but I told them "Actually yes, I have." I went on to tell them how I have had 2 foot surgery's and how I have 2 screws in my big toe. How all the tendons in my left ankle had to be all rearranged. They couldn't believe it and were shocked.  She asked me how do I do it??? I told her that it takes time, a lot of training. I do have pain at times, but I keep going.
Of course, if you have ANY type of injury, you must get an OK from your Doctor to make sure you wont injury yourself more and cause more damage. I see a Podiatrist regularly and he knows I am a runner. I also wear custom Orthotics that help my poor feet out to have better support.
I have also had other temporary injuries like: Shin splints, and runners knee (worst pain EVER) Just make sure you rest to prevent further injuries.
Again, PLEASE see a Doctor if you have ANY injuries, but if you get the OK, keep going!!!!! It's such an amazing feeling to know that YOU CAN DO IT!!!
 Sorry, my feet are SUPER UGLY, but I wanted to show you my 2 inch scar on my big toe. The 2 screws are right at the joint. Oh, can you see my bruised toe nails??? Yeah, my big toe is fine, but all the rest are all bruised from my running.  I will never have cute feet:/ haha
Same foot but this is my scar from my Ankle work they had to do. I also have a scar on my pinkie toe (same foot) because they had to remove bone. I had a Hammer toe.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Being healthy as a family

Today while I was at the gym, My hubby stayed home with our boys. My hubs and boys went downstairs to workout. My hubby was talking to them about how important it is to be healthy and exercise and how good your feeling in the inside and out. Our oldest son said "Yeah, like Mom, she exercises all the time and is getting more and more beautiful" Awww what a sweetie:)
When I came home from the gym, My boys told me all about their workouts and what they talked about. My oldest son then said to me " Mom, you have workout too much so now you should take a brake for about 2 months, you are already healthy then in 2 months you can workout again" I then told him " Buddy, you can't just stop. Yes, I am healthy but if I stop then I will no longer be healthy. We have to make sure we always exercise to stay healthy and strong. It doesn't always matter what you look on the outside, we need to always remember to be healthy for our "insides" for our heart, so we can live a longer, healthier life. I do all this hard work for you guys. So that I can always take care of you and be a good example"
I love that our boys love to exercise and we are SLOWLY trying to get them to eat healthier. I have some VERY picky eaters. Veggies are very hard for 3 of my boys to eat, but they are slowly starting to eat them.
I'm not sure if I have posted about this before or not, but my 6 year old is going to run his first race in June. It's a kid 1 mile run. He has already started training (his request) He REALLY wants to win his own Medal. He said that he can't wait to run in a race with me one day:) I can't wait:)
Starting this new week, I am going to have  "family fitness" nights. We will  do some fun exercises as a family. Nothing extreme. I want to make it fun for all of us and try and do this 2-3 days a week.
I am really excited for all of us to be fit and healthy.

Week 7 DONE!!

Wahoooo. I am happy to say that week 7 is done. Today was my schedule 14 mile run. Remember that this is the furthest I have ever ran EVER!!!! I started my run at 11:45 at the pace of 6.5 I felt very strong and ran until 6.48 miles then the treadmill turned off (stops at the 1 hour mark) I was running really low on water so I decided to hop off the treadmill for a sec to fill up my water. After I filled up my water I got back onto the treadmill and kept running. I started getting really tired at mile 10. My legs were getting pretty sore. From mile 10-13, I would run 1 mile then slow my pace down to 2.5 and walk for about 2 min. I was BEAT!! I was finally to my last mile, mile 14. I cranked my speed up to 8.0 and took off. I finished in 2 hours and 15 min. After my run, I sat at the end of my treadmill and just sat there with my head down for about 2 min. This was by far the hardest run ever!!! I am still sore, but not as sore as I thought I would be. One thing I know for sure is, I still have a LONG ways to go. 14 miles is a little more then the half way mark. That is very crazy and scary to think about since I about died today. Haha.
It felt great that I have meet another mile stone:) Next week is going to be ROUGH!!! My runs will be 4,7,4,16!!!! Ahhhhhhh If It's not snowing or too cold, then I will run the 16 outside.
 When ever I am running long distance, I always get to the point were I am DONE. I have a little talk with myself and say that " I am doing this for my kids" and I always get a burst of energy and finish strong. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

PR baby!!!

Today was my schedule 4 mile run. I picked my boys up from school and went straight to the gym. Mondays and Thursdays are my "speed" days. These are the days that I push myself to the limits to try and run as fast as I can. I am very happy and proud to say, that I have beat my PR:) Last week was my fast time in 4 miles was 32 minutes. Today I did 4 miles in 31 min 43 seconds and my fastest mile was my last mile at which I ran it in 7.43. I was EXHAUSTED after this run. I was huffin n puffin so loud. I bet people thought I was a crazy women. haha. After I caught my breath, I felt amazing, and very strong. Seriously guys, anyone can run this fast I promise. I use to run a mile in 12 minutes!! It's crazy to think how far I have come. I have worked my butt off to be were I am today with not only my speed but distance as well. The furthest I have ever ran without walking is 11 miles straight!! Tomorrow is a rest day of running then Saturday is the BIG 14 MILES. The furthest I have EVER ran. I am actually kind of excited. Can't wait to reach another mile stone:)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

No Bueno :/

Okay friends I am still in my rut. I know, I KNOW!!!!!!! What the heck happened??? I went from this crazy health freak to BLAHHHHH. This has been one crazy month for me. I have a bunch of excuses and I could have made different choices but I didn't. Here is what I had going on this month.
-Superbowl party at our house
-Nephew's Birthday dinner
-Family party in the morning and another family party the same day for dinner
-My cheat meal days which I shouldn't have done since I was already doing bad:/
-I got 2 gifts cards to my FAVORITE coffee houses and of course used them up within a few days:/
-All 4 boys sick with the fevers, coughs, throwing up, diarrhea, and pink eye for 2 WEEKS and I couldn't leave the house at all and the only time I did, was when my husband came home from work and the only thing I did for 2 weeks was go to the gym late at night.
-Valentines Day
-Date night with hubby for Valentines
-Dinner with friends. twice
-Been going to bed on average around midnight which is NO GOOD. I need to be in bed by 10:00 at the latest
-I also think I am "comfortable" the way I look and feel, which might be another factor why I'm not going hard core. This is what I did in 2012 and gained 1/2 my weight back and here I am having to stat from square one.
-Trainer telling me to tone down my workouts. Which I think has made me feel a little lazy:/
-My 2 year old has been quite the Dennis the Menace. I seriously have to watch him like a hawk all day long!!! It's been a HARD WEEK with him.

I am still doing awesome with my workouts but I REALLY want to do more like I was doing before., I almost feel like I'm not doing enough,  but I am going to listen to my trainer especially since I am running soooooo much now, and each week the miles go up and up.

Please don't give up on me. I PROMISE I am and will kill it and get to my goal, it's just going to take a little longer but it's all good. I am still up the 3 pounds I gained. I keep losing and gaining it back.
I always want to be honest with myself and you, to show you that I am not always so hard core, I struggle just like everyone else, but I will show you that you can still reach your goals even if you have struggled. DON'T GIVE UP!!!
I wont do after pics this month. I'm pretty sure I look the same as before. I MIGHT surprise you and do some in a few weeks if I can get my butt on track again. Haha. No,I will. I am strong and I already know I can do it.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

week 7

Tomorrow is the start of week 7 for training. This week my runs are: 4,6,4,14. Yes that is 14 miles on Saturday. I thought Saturday was 13 miles, but nope, it's 14!!!! 14 will be the very longest I have EVER ran in my life. From here on out, I really need to get back in the zone with my diet. I have slacked off WAY TO LONG!! 17 days to be exact :/  Like I've said before, I wont have a great month as far as weight loss goes, but that's okay, I will keep going to reach my goals.
It is extremely important that I really focus on my diet and weight training from here on out. I need all the energy I can get to get me through these long runs. I promise I will kick some major butt!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My blog

I know I have said this a few times already, but seriously, you have no idea how motivating it is for me to hear that people are reading my blog. Obviously I know people look at it because I can see how many times it been viewed, but I don't know "who" is looking at it.
My hubby, my youngest son and I, went to dinner tonight and someone I went to school with (who I didn't recognize at first. sorry again:) came up to me and said hello, and said that he and his wife read my blog. I started laughing because I was NOT eating healthy. I was stuffing my face with some chips and salsa, Dr. Pepper and smothered burrito. I said "Yeah, so I am obviously not dieting right know" Hahah it was funny, but seriously you guys, thank you all for the comments, viewing my blog and for the few that I have seen out and about stopping me to tell me you read this blog. This has been a VERY hard month for me with my diet. I only have less then 2 weeks and this month is over. I WILL KILL IT!!!!!! Don't let a bad eating day, days or even weeks stop you, KEEP GOING!!

Week 6 is DONE!!!

This morning I woke up feeling super lazy. I slept pretty good and got about 8 hours of sleep but just felt lazy. Today is NOT the day to be lazy. I had 12 miles that I needed to run. I have to be honest, I almost got McDonald's for breakfast this morning. I know, I know!!!! But, I changed my mind, told my kids to get dressed because we are going to the gym. By the time I got the kids checked into the child care and on my treadmill, it was about 9:35. Since I was running for 12 miles, I didn't want to run too fast. I wanted to make sure I had energy to finish strong. I kept my speed at 6.5 and ran for 6 1/2 miles none stop then the treadmill stops because it stops at the 1 hour mark. The second it stopped, I turned the treadmill back up to 6.5 and got my run on. Around 8 1/2 miles, I did turn my speed down to 2.5 for about 2 minutes. I was starting to feel pretty tired so I needed to catch my breath for a little bit. I turned it back up to 6.5 and kept going. I finally only had 1/2 a mile left, and I turned the speed up to 7.7 and finished. Today I ran 12 miles on the treadmill in 1 hour 50 minutes. I felt really strong this run and this was the longest I had ever ran on the treadmill. Ever!! 10 was the furthest I had ever ran until today. I was and still am super sore and very tired. I really need to take a nap:) Next Saturday I run 13 miles. I'm hoping in the next few weeks it will be warm enough for me to run outside. I don't mind the cold at all, but I don't want to risk getting sick. I can NOT get sick now.
I can't believe how far I have come. Running is my passion. I love it so much.
So......... Diet. Still not 100% like I wanted but I am working on it. It's been really tough for me to get back into the "clean eating" again but I'm not letting it get me down. I am strong and going to continue on my journey.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

week 6 of training

I can't believe that my week 6 of training is almost. I just finished my scheduled 4 mile run and I have 12 miles on Saturday then week 6 is done. Time is going by way fast. Before I know it, it will be race day. (ahhhhh I have no idea why the font changed?? LOL)
Really the only thing that I can complain about with my training is, I have broken out BAD especially on my forehead:( I always have very clear skin, but when I start running a lot especially on a treadmill, I sweat buckets and brake out. My poor forehead looks terrible:( I really hope that my facial will help tomorrow. I guess that's the price I pay when I run a million miles a week;) haha. I always wash my face right after I am done working out, but it's not helping:( Oh well, I guess I will have to deal with it because this Mama will keep running:)


I seriously have the best hubby ever!! This man sure knows how to spoil a girl:) A week or so ago, I told him NO flowers. Not that I don't love them, but they are always so much this time of year, plus he get me flowers every single month and I would rather have something else. Is that bad??? haha
When I woke up this morning, he surprised me in bed with a box of Rocky Mountain chocolate covered strawberries. My FAVORITE!! He gets me these ever single year:) He also got me my favorite Carmel apple. Pecan bear. Did he forget I am trying to get fit and healthy?? Hahaha;) I also got a certificate for a 1 hour massage and a 50 minute facial. Yeah, I am in HEAVEN!!! Massages are my favorite, and I have never had a facial.
I called the Spa this morning to make an appointment and I lucked out. I was able to get my massage done at 10:15. This was by far the BEST massage I have ever had. They lady was amazing. She knew I was a runner because I told her before she started so she was going to do some special massages to help with my running. After she was done, she asked me if I do yoga and if I stretch every time I worked out. I told her I hadn't done yoga in over a year and I do stretch after every workout. She then said that she could totally tell that I stretch because my legs were awesome. She said that my leg muscles were super relaxed and very muscular and that I am definitely doing something right. Her comment totally made my day:) Stretching is actually one of my favorites. I think it feels so good.
So........ my amazing diet has been 2 egg whites for breakfast, popcorn, and chocolate covered strawberries:/ Yeah, my tummy hurts, but I am going hard core again tomorrow so I am enjoying my day:)
I am so very blessed and love my hubby and little men so much. I am one lucky girl.
Hope you all have an amazing Valentines Day. xoxo

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blah. Blah. Blah!!

I can't believe that tomorrow is already February 14th!!! Where on earth has the time gone??? I need to be honest with you and myself, this month is not going so well. I already wrote in a previous post how I have done great with workouts, but my diet is going down hill big time:/ I am still in that funk dang it.  I decided that after Valentines day, NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!!! I hope you all enjoy Valentines day, and I promise that this Mama WILL be on track 110% Friday. And yes, I think I have said this a few different times, but I am human and I am just being honest.
 I'll tell you one thing that's for sure. I am giving it 200% in March, because that is our last month for our Health Challenge (ends April 1st) and I WILL WIN :)
My goal for the end of the month, February 28th is to weigh 130. 

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today was my schedule 4 mile run and weights. My hubby and I went to the gym together tonight and got our workout on. Mondays and Thursdays are my lowest mile days. My trainer told me this morning that I need to make sure my lowest mile days and my "speed" days. These runs I need to try and work on my speed, so I did that tonight. Lately I run on the treadmill with the pace of 6.5, then the last 1/2 mile I bump it up to 7.7. Today I wanted to push myself. I started at 7.5 and ran at that pace for 3 1/2 miles, then the last 1/2 mile I bumped it to 8.8 and finished my 4 mile run in 32 MINUTES!!!!! That is HUGE for me. My fastest time for a 4 mile run was 35 minutes. I can't believe I beat that time by 3 minutes. I felt GREAT but very tired. After my run, it was time for weights. Remember how my trainer said I have to tone done my workouts and only do 3 sets of 4 reps but very heavy weights? I listened to him and did it. It was kind of weird only doing 4 reps, but I was lifting such heavy weights that I really couldn't do any more. There were a few times that my hubby said do 1 more with a total of 5 reps.
I had a great workout and now super tired. I will be in bed by 10:15 and I am excited:) haha

*Oh before I forget, I can't thank you enough  for all the amazing support and kind words. I get comments from you, I can see that my blog has been viewed a TON of times each day, and it is now been viewed 4263 times, and tonight as I was running on the treadmill, a friend of mine walked by and said that she reads my blog every day and how inspiring it is. You guys have no idea how much that means to me. You guys are the ones that keep me going, and are helping me reach me goal. I can't THANK YOU enough!!!! It makes me feel good knowing that I have helped some of you:) I love that we are all doing this together.
Remember to NEVER give up. You can reach your goals no matter what they are. We all struggle but don't let that stop you. I had a very BAD 8 days of eating crap, and by crap I mean: McDonald's breakfast twice, shakes, fries, treats, chips, soda and so much more. See....... I went all crazy, but by me having a hard 8 days it is NOT going to stop me. I am going to keep going and I WILL reach my fitness goal and I will NOT give up.
Now this Mama is off to bed. PEACE!!!!!! :)

Training overload!!

This morning I meet with my Trainer for some blood work to see were I am health wise. My appointment was bright and early at 6:00 am.  He pricked my finger, took some blood, and got the test going.  After about 5 minutes, my test was complete. He went over everything with me and everything looked great. My Glucose (blood sugar) was a little high but I told him what I ate yesterday and he said he is sure that's way my Glucose was a little high, but nothing to worry about. I told him how my week was and how I ate soooooo BAD and how tired and in funk I was all week. He knew exactly why I was doing this. He said I am in "Training overload". I am working out at high intensity way too much and need to stop. He said especially with my Marathon training. He told me that I need to stop any boot camp, Turbo fire, fitness classes etc and focus on running. He also said that in my weight training I need to up my weights super heavy and super low reps. Only about 3 sets of 4 reps and that is it! I've been running, 3 sets of 12 reps with my weight training PLUS I like to do Turbo fire. He said that all needs to stop NOW!! He said that if I continue with this high intensity workouts, that I will burn myself out (which I for sure did last week) and it can also lead to injuries. I told him that for one I love to work out, but I also am trying to get very fit and want to see results fast. He laughed a little and said that you need to focus more on long term goal because if I continue, I will burn myself out and stop, and if I slow down, I will actually see better results. He said that I would actually be leaner, which that is my goal.
I am so glad I meet with him this morning because I would have had no clue and kept doing what I have been doing.  After I am done with my Marathon, I can start doing my high intensity classes again but for now I have to stop.
He also told me that I do not eat enough fat in my diet. Not bad fats, the good fats. Said I should cook with Organic butter or coconut oil. Also said I should use coconut milk for my protein shakes. He wants me to use the coconut milk that is in a can that you cook with!! But to be careful I don't drink too much because I will see weight gain, maybe just 1 of those a day.
Over all, I am very healthy. Blood pressure and heart rate is perfect and were it should be with me being a runner. I am so happy that I had this done and for all the great info he gave me. I am going to do all that he said and see how my week goes.
Oh yes, I am still up the 3 pounds I gained (I lost it then it came back) and I also wore a heavy sweatshirt and sweats this morning. I have no idea I was being weighed, so with all of that, my weight was 5 pounds heavier and my body fat said 23%. I'm thinking it might be more at 20-21% if I got back down to the 135.5 I was at 2 weeks ago and if I was in my workout clothes not my big old sweats. I really don't have a body fat goal but I do want to get it down and be very lean.
I'm excited to be on track again:) I have a very busy week besides my workouts so I really hope I have some good energy to get me through my week:)
My goal this week: Get the 3 pounds off that I gained, slow down my workouts and up my weights, and be in bed no later then 10:00. I was going to be way to late last week.
Hope you all have a great week. LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Holy cow!!! My fitness blog has been viewed 4144 times!!!!! I seriously can't believe it. Thank you all so much for the support. I can't wait to be back on track 110% tomorrow. You all motivate me so much.
I WILL ROCK a Bikini this year, no excuses!!!


Yep, that is my leg and my dog. Haha. My legs are getting stronger and stronger. Just wanted to show a pic of my progress:)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Set back just a bit

Week 5 is almost over and we didn't do a weigh in this week. Like I've posted before, I had a REALLY BAD week as far as my diet goes. I went a little out of control. No reason for it, I just did. I had no weight loss this week which is fine, but my goal is to really focus the rest of the month and kill it. I am getting stronger and stronger each day. I still have 8 more miles to run tonight then week 5 of training is done!!
I am getting more and more tired since my runs are going up and up each week. I am also getting super hungry as my miles go up. I need to make sure I keep eating complex carbs and that I am eating enough food to give me energy for my runs and to make sure I build muscle instead of my body starving itself and eating away my muscle. I defiantly don't want that. No way!!!
Tomorrow is ANOTHER day of eating crap:/ We are going to my parents at 11:00 for pancakes, then to my in laws at 6:00 for dinner. I am going to eat, but I will limit my portions, but starting Monday, I am going hard core. I really want to see a difference at the end of this month.

Valentine 5k

Today is race day:) I have run 5k's millions of times, but for some reason I was super nervous today. I don't know if it's because I haven't been running outside or what but I was crazy nervous, and it's only a 5k!!!
The race started at 11:00 and off we went. I took off really fast. My goal was to beat my fastest time which was 27.24. I actually wanted to run it in 25.00 min so I knew I was going to push myself hard. My first mile I ran it in 8.03 I was happy with that pace. I started getting REALLY tired around the 2 mile mark. I could taste blood, about threw up and my breathing was all over the place. I was breathing very loud and fast which I never do. I was almost to the finish line, and my amazing hubby and boys drove by honking the horn and cheering me on. Seeing them totally got me to push even harder. I took off and finished strong at 23:49!!!!!!!!! With an average pace of 7:39 per mile)  I was shocked. I placed 3rd place in women's age group 30-34 and 7th overall. It was such a fun race. I also won a Sonic gift card:) Seriously, South Jordan has the best races ever. Always super organized and always has the best prizes out of all the races I have ran. My goal is to get 1st place overall in women's because you get a free pair of shoes!! How awesome is that?? 
This was my second race of the year, and I can't wait for the St. Patty's race next month:)
 I am so happy that my bestie runs with me and I always look forward to our Coffee rewards and some much needed girl talk after our races. Love you girl:)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I have talked about confidence a few times on here but I have to say that I think Confidence is super sexy for both men and women. Okay, so I have to apologize in advance, but this may be a little TMI:/ SORRY haha  But we are all adults:) So my hubby and I are very lovey dovey. We have been together for 15 years and we still cuddle all the time, always hold hands, tell each other we love you so many times a day. I LOVE my prince charming, but I have to say, since I have gained more confidence, and he has as well, we both can't keep our hands off of each other. It's just so crazy to me how important confidence is. Even though I am having a tough week with my diet, I still feel amazing, and we are both so happy that we are healthy and working towards our goals. It feels GOOD!! Confidence=SEXY :) (I think anyways)

Fit Mama

Seriously Mommy's, it can be done, if you are willing to work hard you can do it. I am proof that it can be done. No, I'm not to my goal, but I'm working on it and it feels amazing. I have 4 boys, and all were pretty good size babies. My oldest was 8lbs 10oz, My second son was 8lbs 8oz, my third was 8lbs 2 oz and my fourth son was 7lbs 10oz.  The most I gained was with my oldest son. I gained 37 pounds but ALWAYS struggled to lose the baby weight. I am not one of those Mom's that has a baby and who is tiny just a few weeks later or months.It takes me about 18 months after I have a baby and I have to work HARD!!!!!! It's never easy to be healthy and fit, but I'll tell you what, it feels so dang good. I LOVE having confidence. I love when people say "I can't believe you have had 4 babies"  I always say Thank you and that I worked freaking Hard to be were I am today. Like I said in my previous post, I have struggled for the past week with my diet,yep even today BAD but I'm not letting it stop me. I just need to continue and keep going.  LET"S DO THIS MAMA'S!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So I have to be completely honest. I STILL haven't been back on my diet 100% :( Seriously, I have cheated Thursday-today. There is no reason at all for it, I just am, and because of it, I can totally feel it. I have been so tired all day long and no energy at all. I did lose 1 pound from the 3 I gained which is good, but I am trying to get fit, and I am not going down the right path this week. I've done awesome with my workouts, just not the eating part which is a big NO, NO!!!
 Finally around 5:00 tonight, I got my butt off the couch and got to the gym for my leg workout. I was so tired, but once I got going I killed it. I felt amazing. I did 20 min on this black machine that is kind of like an elliptical, 20 minutes on the stair stepper at level 12 on the weight loss option, 3 reps on the leg press, 3 reps on the leg curl, 3 sets of squats with 20 pound weights in each hand, 3 set of inner thigh squats with 20 pound weights in each hands, and finally finished my workout with about 15 minute of abs. It was an awesome workout, and I am going to bed feeling very strong.
We are going to dinner this week for my nephews birthday and on Sunday, we are having 2, yes 2 family parties. One at 11:00 am for pancakes at my parents, then we are going to my in laws at 6:00 pm for haystacks so I most likely wont lose any extra weight this week which is fine, but I do still want to try and get the 2 pounds off that I gained.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super bowl

Did everyone enjoy their Super bowl?? I know I sure did. Maybe just a little too much;) I went a little too crazy this weekend starting from Thursday -Sunday :/ I don't know why, but I was enjoying everything. It was good and fun, but now back to training hard. I did gain 3 pounds back from all the CRAP but I'm not worried at all. My weight loss goal this week is 1 pound, since I will need to get the 3 pounds off that I gained.
I also didn't make it to boot camp AGAIN:( It is just way to hard for me to get up at 5:30 am. If I get up that early, I am SUPER tired and grumpy the whole day and it's just not worth it to me. They are supposed to have a night class but said they are working on it. I think when they start it again, I will do the night classes.
I do however need to get to the gym tonight for my schedule 4 mile run and upper body. This week my training is 4,5,4,11. The miles keep going up and up. Oh yeah, I forgot that I am running a Valentine 5k this Saturday. I can't wait!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


As I was driving home this morning, I saw a girl who looked about my age running on the sidewalk pretty fast. As I was watching her, I noticed she had a full on prosthetic leg. I instantly had tears. Se looked right at me and I gave her a thumbs up and said "YOU GO GIRL" and she had this huge smile on her face. Seriously, it was sooooooo inspiring. I still get chocked up just thinking about it. She is proof that you can do ANYTHING you want in life, you just have to work for it. I don't know that girl, but she is my HERO!!!
We all have our struggles. Weight, body hurts, too tired, too old, sore, what ever, but if you work hard enough, you will see that YOU CAN DO IT!!!! 
There is this guy I always see at the gym that I am pretty sure he is in training for a Marathon as well. He is always there the days I am and always running the same miles I do but much faster. You can totally tell he is a runner. He keeps his pace around 7.5 the whole time!!! Anyways, after his run this morning, I noticed that he had 2 massive scars on both sides of his knee. Right away I knew it must have been knee surgery.  How inspiring is he to have had surgery and he doesn't let that stop him. He keeps going. Even myself, I have had 2 foot surgeries. I have had all the tendons in my left ankle rearranged, hammer toe were they had to chip away my bone on my pinkie toe, I have 2 screws on my big toe that is always painful but I don't let it stop me. I keep going. 
It's important to always remember that you can do anything you want in life, you just have to work for it. 
I am seriously so inspired by these 2 people that I talked about above, and I don't even know them. 

Week 5 DONE!!!

Today was my schedule 10 mile run for my training. I have to be honest, I was very worried for this run. I have ran 10 miles a million times on the road and treadmill so it wasn't that, I was worried because  my "monthly visitor" sorry TMI but it's true. LOL I am very pleased to say, that this was probably the strongest 10 mile run I have ever done. When I run, I don't like to stop or slow down at all unless I really need to. I started right off at the pace of 6.3 and ran the whole entire time. I was never out of breath,  or winded. I felt GREAT!! The treadmill did stop at the 1 hour mark because it always does, but the second it did that, I turned it back on and bumped the speed back up to 6.3 and continued my run. Finally at my last .25 I bumped it up to 8.0 and finished. 10 miles baby. I felt AMAZING and felt like I could run 10 more.
My poor hair is a sweaty, knotty MESS!! Oh man, it's horrible. I can't even run my finger threw my hair. haha. I am happy that week 5 is done and I am getting closer to the big day:)
I had my son take a pic of my sexy hair;) haha. Oh and my awesome boob sweat;)

Friday, February 1, 2013


It's funny how when you start to feel better about yourself and your confidence starts to come back how your mind set changes. For me anyways. For example I could care less about cute workout clothes. I would rather spend my money on something else, but now that I am in the zone,and  feeling great, I want cute workout clothes. Not the expensive ones, I usually always find amazing deals at Ross:) I think some of it has to do with that I go to the gym now and ALWAYS see at least one person I know, and I feel good. When I feel good, I want to look good.
Speaking of the gym, I have ALWAYS felt so uncomfortable working out in the weights. There are just so many men and I feel like I don't push myself as hard. I remember the first week I joined, I would do my cardio, then go home and do weights because I just didn't have any confidence to go over to the weights. Now I don't give a crap. I walk over to the weights and get it done. Last Friday night, I went to the gym and it was pretty dead. I was doing upper body and a group of 4 guys were maybe 10 feet if that from me just looking, and talking. Normally I would just walk away, but I didn't care. I turned my music up and got my bicep curls done, and I did it hard. I finally decided that I can't be afraid of people or a machine, otherwise I will never get to my goal. I still don't like to go over to the "free weights" just because there is always a ton of people over there, so I just go into the room that the classes are in and use the free weights in there. I always see women in there doing the same:)
Years ago when I was in high school, we had this gym that had a women's only section. It was in a totally different room. It had all the cardio and weights you need. I LOVED it. They also had a co-ed section, but I never used it. I wish the gym I go to now had a "women's only" room :) Oh well, it is what it is. I am so happy my confidence is finally coming back. It's amazing how much better I feel inside and out:)

It's FEBRUARY!!!!!!

I can NOT believe it's FEBRUARY!!! Month one is over!! Lets' all keep going and reach our goals. I am so excited and so close to my goal. I can almost feel it!!!! Ahhhhhhhh. It feels good:)
This month I really want to focus even harder on my strength training. Not only because it's one of my goals to look and be fit, but it is extremely important for my Marathon training,. There is no way that I can just run for my training. Speaking of training, I ran 78 miles the month of January. This month, I will be running 103 miles and it keeps going up. EEKKKKKK I still can't believe I am almost done with week 5 of training.
I am also excited because I signed up for a Valentine 5k that will be on February 9th. I can't wait. I have a ton of races I am doing this year. A bunch of 5k's, probably 3 half marathons and of course my full marathon:) It's going to be an amazing FIT and HEALTHY year!!:)

My goals for the month of February:
* Up my Strength training
* Focus more on my Abs
* weight loss of 8+ pounds
*Making sure I am in bed by 10:00 at the latest
*Adding more complex carbs to my diet to get my through my long runs