Monday, December 31, 2012

Last day before my Health Challenge

Today is our last day before our health challenge begins. We have been going all crazy. Eating all of our favorite foods, treats and drinks. This morning after my run haha, I made YUMMY Crepes. I'm sure we will get something for lunch, then we are having family over for New Years. I will enjoy my last day, then NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!!

Marathon training day 1

I have been running on and off for about 4 years now. I remember when I couldn't even run a full mile without stopping, and when I finally could run a mile with out stopping, it took me about 12 minutes. Now I can run a mile at 8.26 average and my fastest mile was 7.26. I have ran 6 5ks, 1 10k and 4 half Marathon. I have NEVER had any interest to run a full marathon. 26.2 miles are you kidding me????? No thank you!!!!! But............ I have since changed my mind. After running 3 half Marathon's in 3 months this year 2012, I decided that I actually do want to run a marathon. So I started doing research trying to find which race would be best for me. I wanted something in the Spring so I wouldn't change my mind. I finally found the race for me. SLC full Marathon. The race is April 20th. I signed up 3 months ago so I can't back out.
I am doing a 16 week training program and today was day 1. My first run was only 3 miles but it's still crazy to think that I am finally "in training" mode. The picture above is what I ran in this morning. SNOW and I love it. I took this pic in my neighbor hood but once on the main roads, the roads were cleared for the most part. I love running in the cold and love the snow falling on my face. I am so excited and scared at the same time. I have never pushed myself this hard and can't wait to accomplish this amazing goal.
Oh, and I just found out that my bestie is running the Marathon with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A little about me

I posted this on Facebook and should have posted on here before I did the other blogs. Sorry:/ LOL

So I am like most people. Every new year I want and need to get in shape. Last November (2011) I did an amazing program and was the fittest I had ever been. I felt great, strong, and confident. But as the days, and months went by, I started gaining my weight back. Pound by pound inch by inch. Last year I didn't quite make my goal, but I did lose 21 pounds. This year 2012, I gained 10-12 of those pounds back:( I am proof that you can't just exercise. You have to have a healthy diet or you will not see the results you want. I ran a million miles this year (not really, but I did run the most I have ever ran) but I slacked big time on my weight training. I was only weight training maybe 1-2 times a week and running the rest. I really have no excuses. I just got lazy. I am a fast food junky. I LOVE to go out to eat and can eat out every meal. I also started drinking a ton of coffee. Not regular coffee, I'm talking about the 500+ calorie latte's and I would still eat a high calorie meal. My clothes still fit, but my pants are getting tight. I no longer have the confidence that I had or the energy, and would NOT be seen in a swim suit right now. I don't know why I lost my drive but I did, and I can't believe that a FULL year has gone by.I am really excited because some of my family members and I are going to start a fitness challenge on January 1. We are doing it for 90 days and the person who has the highest percentage of weight loss wins the jackpot. I want this more then ever!!!!! I have to be honest, I would love to lose 26 pounds, and that is my goal that I am shooting for, but really I just want to be fit ok buff. haha:) I love strong confident women. I'm sure you have all seen the million pics I post or like. I just want to feel and look strong and healthy inside and out. I want to prove to myself that I can do what ever I want to do as long as I try my hardest. I want to teach my boys that you have to work hard in life to reach your goals. Our Braxton wants to look just like the "Rock" and wants to be the strongest guy ever:) They already know how hard I work at my running.I also would LOVE to help others. I get emails all the time from my friends asking for some advice on running, recipes and weight loss. Even if I help just one person this new year, I've done my job:) I love fitness, and I love working out, I just really need to work on the food part.I had this awesome idea to do a "fitness page" on Facebook, but it turned out harder then I thought, and I'm not sure on what I can and can't do. I may also just do a blog. I have soooooooo many ideas on what I would like to do that I am just stressing myself out:/ I am for sure starting my fitness challenge January 1st and I promise myself no caffeine for 1 whole year. I want to post pics of my progress through my journey this year. I don't want to stop at the 90 day mark, I am and will make this a life time choice. My amazing hubby is also on board and I can't wait for both he and I to get fit and healthy.
Thank you to all my Facebook family. You all help motivate me to be a better person and to go after my goals. I promise this Mama will be FIT and HEALTHY this year, and I hope I win the jackpot in the fitness challenge so I can buy some new clothes;) Hahaha

Before you begin

Before you begin a fitness and diet plan, you need to sit down write all your goals, figure out when will be the best time for you to get your workout in, make a grocery list and get all grocery's before you start. Make sure you get enough food to last you a while. If I run out of my diet food, I tend to cheat, so make sure your house is stocked, and if you are getting low on an item, go to the store. The must haves that my hubby and I like are: Protein powder (we drink about 6 each a day) raw almonds, string cheese, lots of greens. I will also be juicing 1 juice a day and lots of meat (limit red meat) (for the hubs since I don't eat meat) For the first 4 weeks, we are going to stick with proteins and veggies only. Week 4 and up, we will start to add complex carbs. This will be things such as brown rice, and whole wheat breads. Week 6-8 is when we will add a cheat meal. We will do our cheat meal 2-3 times a week. But this is a cheat MEAL not day. Pinterest has tons of healthy recipes that I need to check out. I'll be posting recipes that we like:)


I FINALLY have my page up. You have no idea how many days and hours I have been working to get my fitness page up. My plan for 2012 was to do a fitness blog and I never did it. I decided that for 2013 I would just do a fitness facebook page. Well, it was so confusing and seemed like so much work that I am back to the blog idea. Thank you everyone for all the great suggestions.  It will take some time for me to get the hang of this blog, but I hope that it helps you as well as myself.
My goal for this blog is to help motivate others and myself. I plan on posting tips, recipes, workouts, challenges, concerns, progress and more. I would love to share others input on my blog. I will be posting pics of my progress as I go and would love to share others progress if you like.
I am so excited for the new year and can't wait to be fit and healthy:) LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!