Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 Health Challenge!!!

It's time again for another Heath Challenge with my brothers. I am so excited to get back on track again!!!!
Yes I gained all my weight back plus a few extra pounds:/, and never really got my full motivation back dang it. I LOVE challenges especially with my brothers. I am super competitive and REALLY want to win:) This time it will be me, my older brother, younger brother and hubby. I am the only girl, and the smallest which means I have to work extra hard to beat these boys. I seriously can't wait to get back on track. Tomorrow is our first weigh in and I think we will weigh in once a month and our finally weigh in will be March 23rd or the 30th. haven't decided on the final date yet.
 Monday is also the start of my full Marathon training so I am going to be one busy girl in the gym, and on the road. My full Marathon training takes up sooooooo much times. Seriously hours some days.  I will need to make sure I increase my weight training again. Super heavy weights with small reps while doing my Marathon training.  I need to remember to not go into "training over mood" like I did last time. Really my diet is what kills me. I need to stock up on healthy foods and make sure I write every thing down. I have some big goals that I would like to meet this new year.
1- I really want to win the health challenge:)
2- Feel confident to wear a bikini again
3- I really need to work on my toning big time. I really want to a fitness or Bikini show this October but not sure if I can justify the cost. It's CRAZY EXPENSIVE!!! So we will see. I would love to do the fitness one. The fitness show is more for tone and muscle mass where the bikini is more for the lean girls. But we shall see. Would be cool to say you did it and to see your body transform.
4- I REALLY want to try and PR from my 1st Marathon. That is if the course is the same.  Really in the end all that matters is you finish:)

I am going to try really hard to keep up on this blog. It helped me so much last time. I also want to track my inches this time as well.
I will try my hardest to keep my healthy eating a lifestyle but not going to lie, it's freaking HARD!!! I am always started over each year. So here's to a healthy and fit year. Bring on 2014!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family fitness

So a goal of mine is to not only be fit and healthy, but I want my family to be healthy as well. All 4 of my boys always comment on my running and they definatly see how hard I work espeically my 6 year old. He LOVES fitness and always has. He LOVES the Rock and wants to look just like him when he grows up.

Almost time!!!

Oh my goodness, it is almost race time. I have been freaking out all week. My bestie/running buddy and I talk every single day and night about our training and race. I still can't believe it's almost time. I am extremely nervous but so excited at the same time:)
Tomorrow is packet pick up and my bestie and I are going together then we are going to lunch to do our final carb loading before the big day!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's time to get down to business!!

We are back from our mini vacation. We had a BLAST in Vegas. We walked a million miles, watched a show, and ate way too much but boy was it fun:)
So now it's time to get to work!!!! No more slacking for me. I can't wait to be fit again!! My body is craving the gym and I can't wait to give it my all.
I have many goals coming up that I would love to achieve.
1. I need to get as fit as I can for my photo shoot
2.Win the health challenge I am in, but to be honest, I don't think I will even come close since we are about to finish week 6 and I am now just starting:/ We are also doing this point system and I am for sure out on that. but it's all good. I'm going to give it my all.
3. I really need to focus on my strength training so I can improve on my running. I am determined to PR my Full Marathon I am running in April 2014.
4. I need to keep my health and fitness a lifestyle. This is HUGE for me. Like I've said many times, I do really well with my exercise but my diet always goes down hill and fast.

So here we go:) I am excited and can't wait to FINALLY get on track again. It's been way too long.

*I am going to try my best to keep up with this blog, however, I will not post any weight loss. Not until after the Challenge which ends December 23rd. Wish me luck!:)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Am I really that CRAZY!!! UMMMM HELL YES!!:)

A few weeks ago I signed up for the 2014 Salt Lake full marathon. 26.2 miles!!! Why yes, I am that CRAZY!!! Hahaha  As I have posted before, training for and running a full Marathon is NO JOKE!!! It was by far the very hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Yes even harder then natural (I'm talking 100% natural no meds at all!!) child birth which I did with all 4 of my boys.
Just now I started reading all my old posts about my Marathon journey and to be honest it started to freak me out. Am I ready to start this all over again??? Running for HOURS and HOURS for Miles and miles, running in the freezing cold and on the treadmill for HOURS. I only have about 2 months left until I start my hard core training. I have been keeping up with my weight training but I will need to do what I did last time. Super heavy weights with lower reps. I also want to lose  some weight. I want to be in even better shape then I was this year during my Marathon.
I REALLY want to PR. This year I ran my Marathon in 4:45 but if my knee didn't act up at mile 18 on, I bet I could have ran it about 15-20 minutes faster. We shall see. All that really matters is I finish:)
I am sad that my best friend and runner buddy wont be running the full with me in 2014:( But that's OK, she has better plans for her in the year 2014:)
 I am running the Thankful 13 which is a half marathon 13.1 miles on Thanksgiving morning. I ran this race last year and loved it. I am so excited for this year's race because my 2 older boys will  be running in the kid loop and I will be running with them to help push them:) I will be so sore that day but I can't wait:)
 Everyone don't be surprised when you start seeing a million post about my running soon. Haha. It helps keep me going. If you don't like it, delete me:)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I can not believe that it is almost NOVEMBER!!! This year has gone by way too fast. Okay, so an update on me. I unfortunately never went back to my good eating habits:( I just can't get out of this funk. I have ZERO motivation at all and this is soooooo not like me. I have no idea what is going on. I am in my 5th week of a health challenge and so far I am down 5 pounds. Normally I would be down 10-12 pounds by this point but I just don't have any motivation. I do still workout but not as hard core as I like. I seriously just feel lazy. I look in the mirror and don't like what I see. my clothes don't fit right, I'm in this challenge which usually totally gets me in the competitive mood and this time it hasn't at all. I am doing a photo shoot for my hubby for Christmas (it's a surprise) and I still can't get motivated. I am a part of 2 different fitness groups that are soooo motivating but it still isn't doing any good for me. I have realized that I am not mentally ready I guess.
I am not trying to get "skinny" Skinny is not my thing at all. I like tone and fit. To be honest I loved how I looked and felt inside and out THIS March and now here I am back to square one:(
It's just sad because I was so excited. I was giving people tons of advice on how to be healthy and fit and here I am almost 8 months later trying to find my way again.
I am not trying to look or be like someone else. I know what I am capable of and I miss that feeling. I miss feeling and looking strong, I miss my boys and others making comments on how fit I look. I miss how fast I was with my running. My endurance is there but my speed isn't:( I miss the confidence that I had.
Where did it all go wrong?? I'll tell you. First of all, I ALWAYS reward myself with food and not any food, bad foods. Don't get me wrong, we all need to have out cheat meals every week. But I went from 1 cheat meal a week to every day all day being my cheat meal. I gained my first 5 pounds back and thought "that's ok it's just 5 pounds, I can get that off in a few days as soon as I get back on track again. Well that 5 pounds turned into the full 19 pounds that I had lost the beginning of this year:(  You think how in the world did I gain 19 pounds back in a matter of months?? Well, if your body is use to you eating super healthy 99% of the time and all of the sudden you start eating what ever you want when ever, the pounds come back on quick!!! I am not one that does the "fade" diets. No thank you!! Been there done that. I am all about healthy eating and exercise but why in the HELL can't I do it?? Again I am not trying to get skinny. I would love to lose some weight for sure, but I just want to be tone again. Want to go to the gym again and get excited. I seriously just feel so lazy and worn out. I think to be honest that I did get worn out and maybe that is another reason to why I am having a hard time getting back on track.
My year started with my first health challenge. It was 12 weeks and I kicked butt and won first place. I lost 19 pounds, a million inches and felt fantastic!! Then I ran my first FULL 26.2 Marathon. Oh and I can't forget about my 4 months of hard core training for that marathon. It was HARD!! Then a few months later I was a pacer for my friend in the Wasatch 100 miler and ran 22 miles with him. Then I ran the Big Cottonwood 1/2 Marathon. I don't know, really it's all just an excuse.
I had a friend tell me that I always struggle because I am always doing these health challenges. It is true. I struggle with keeping my healthy and fitness a lifestyle. I have always been this way. But in a way I think most people are this way. Seems like everyone tries to do good the beginning of the year, then trying to get ready for summer. etc. I think I am just more open about it (post it for the world to see. haha)
I was super excited to start this new 12 week health challenge. This is with a bunch of people I don't know. I do know some, but I thought this is a perfect time to get me out of my funk. But no it hasn't helped at all:( I think because we can't post our weight loss so in a way it doesn't feel we are competing for anything. And really it shouldn't matter but it does:) It sure does help keep you motivated plus I am a HUGE competitor but I just can't get in the grove :( It's like I just don't give a crap but really I do.
I have a house full of healthy food but I don't want to eat it, or I do eat it plus I eat all the other crap or go and get fast food.
I have had people say I am too hard on myself and I look great etc which is super nice, but I know what I am capable off and I liked the way I look and feel when I am fit. I'm also not trying to be a body builder which you all know it is a DREAM of mine. That is not a goal for me right now. I just want to be confident again. I hate feeling tired and lazy all the time and I know it's because of my eating habits and weight gain.
I decided that I am going to post on my fitness blog again because it's helps me. If people get annoyed, then don't read it. I choose to make my journey public. It helps me and others.
See, I am not one of those girls that can eat what ever. I have to work HARD every single day. I STRUGGLE with my diet. I for the most am a healthy eater but I LOVE treats and I love fast food.
As far as my exercise goes, I still workout all the time but only the bare minimum.
You would think that since I am in the challenge that I would go hard core. The reason I finally made my photo shoot appointment was to help me get motivated and back on track, but nope it doesn't do the trick:(
I finally decided that today I am going to post on my blog again and get going!!! I want and will do this AGAIN!! (It's a constant battle Ughhh)
I have been eating pretty good today. I did have a few treats but I didn't go out to eat or get me a coffee which I know packs on the inches and pounds for me:(
I have 8 more weeks until the challenge is over and I know that if I kick butt now I will do awesome. I also have only 5 weeks to get as fit as I can for my photo shoot and I KNOW I can do it. I can get pretty fit in 4 weeks but that is me giving it 200% on both my diet and exercise.
So here we go again:)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

:( :( :( :(

I don't even know where to begin. I am so disappointing to say that I pretty much let my self go this whole entire summer:(  Not with my exercise but my diet. I know better!!! I have been down this road over and over again. Seriously the saying "80% diet and 20% exercise" is soooooo TRUE for me. If I am being 100% honest, I can't even remember a day that I ate 100% healthy. That's how bad it's been:( I have been eating what ever and when ever I want. Going to bed way to late. Uggghh I seriously am so sad that I am starting all over again. I always do so bad in the summer. I can not keep my diet in order.
I feel yucky, no confidence at all, I will not wear a Bikini any more, my running pace is a little slower then normal. I always feel so tired and have no energy, I feel super lazy, my clothes are getting snug. Seriously right back to square one.  I have wanted to start my healthy living over and over again but I just can't  get out of my funk.
But............... I PROMISED myself that I WILL kick it into gear September 1st which is tomorrow. I am and will reach my fitness goal. I will try my best to keep up with my fitness blog because that really helped me last time.
So here we go AGAIN!!! Even though I have kept up with my exercise, I need to step it up more to see the results that I want. I have a bunch of races coming up and I want to make sure that I am in good shape for them. I am also going to be running the Salt Lake full Marathon again next April and I want to PR that race so I need to make sure I am in killer shape. More so then last time.
I need to remember that is this a LIFESTYLE change not a "I reached my goal now I can eat what ever" because I will always end up were I am today. Started all over again:( Just the other day I came across my photo that I took on the last day of my health challenge. I couldn't believe that that was just 5 months ago and how I just let my self go!! All that hard work. Hours and hours or working out. All the healthy eating, just all out the freaking window.
I am going to be more determinded then ever. I WILL look even better then I did in that photo. I'm not trying to be skinny. I am all about fit and healthy. It doesn't happen over night but I sure wish it did:) It takes time and I am going to KILL IT!!!
So like I always like to say "LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!"

Monday, June 10, 2013

Still here:)

Oh my goodness, I have been so busy that I haven't even had time to do some posts on my fitness blog. I get my oldest son off to school, go to the gym for 2 hours, come home for some lunch then off to the pool. My boys and I did that 6 days in a row last week and I am still so tired and drained from all the sun. My 7 year old begged me to go to the pool today and I felt bad but I had to say no. We all need a brake from the sun.
So back to health and fitness. My diet has been better. Not 100% like I need/ want it to be but doing better. I've bumped up my workouts and feel great. I can tell that I am getting stronger and stronger. My legs are slowing getting more toned. My belly on the other hand not so much:/ When I start eating like crap, my belly is the first place my inches and weight goes to. But I'm still workout hard and going to try even harder to work on my healthy eating.
I also have another race coming up this Saturday. It's just a 5k but like I've said before, my 5k's are always so hard because I push myself sooooo dang hard to have a good time and to try and bet my previous times (really it depends on the course) and plus with a 5k, you really don't have time to let your body warm up. You try and run fast as you can since it's only 3.1 miles but boy is it hard.
I still haven't reached my goal of running 3 miles in 21 minutes (on treadmill) but I am super close.

Some goals that I want to reach in the next 6 weeks are:
-100% healthy eating except for my cheat meals.
-Increase my weights for better results on toning which also helps with my speed for running
-reach my 21 minute 3 mile goal
-loose 10 pounds (yes I have gained about 6 pounds back due to my bad eating habits:(

So here's to healthy eating, and a healthy life style. LETS DO THIS :)
 Me and my studly son on his 7th Birthday this past weekend:)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New adventure

So a friend of mine from High school is a crazy runner. I'm talking running 100 milers. He is AMAZING!!!! I remember him running it last year and reading his blog all about his run and how inspiring he is. He is the guy I always talk to about running, what shoes I should buy, what supplements I should be taking etc. Well the other day I got am email from him asking me if I can be one of his pacers for his Wasatch 100 miler on September 6th. I am soooooo excited to do this with him. He said that I will be running 14-22 miles with him. But this run is not a road run. This is a trail run which I have never done. He is going to take me on a few runs on some trials before race day. I am a little nervous but super excited:)
Maybe one day I'll be brave and run the 100 miler too. Oh man, that is crazy talk. Hahahaha

So, so close!!!!!

Remember how I have a goal of running 3 miles in 21 minutes? Well I am sooooo CLOSE!!!! I tried it on Monday and ran it in 23:20. I was really happy with that time since I haven't been running as much as I should.
I woke up this morning determined to reach my goal. I got to the gym early and took off. Oh man, I was getting so tired and winded. There was a few times I had to turn my pace down to 7.5. I am bummed to say that I didn't reach my goal today. In fact I got the exact same time again today 23:20. I KNOW I can do it. I need my hubby or someone standing right next to be to help me push through and do it.
I know that I don't push myself 100% at the gym. I think because I am worried about breathing so load or letting out the occasional scream. Hahaha.
I'm going to keep trying and reach my goal. 7 minute miles is dang HARD but I am so proud of myself were I am today. I remember when I couldn't even run 1 mile without stopping, and when I finally could run 1 mile it was around 12 minutes. I have come a LONG ways in my speed and endurance and I feel great:)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Oh boy it's summer!!!

I can not believe how fast time has gone by. I haven't been blogging:/ My diet and exercise hasn't been the greatest at all. To be honest, when the weather starts getting really nice, I ALWAYS fall back into my bad habits. But I am so sick being in my "bad habit" and can't wait to kill it again. I was going to start hard core last Monday but we went camping the whole week and I just decided to really enjoy and not worry.
I am however having some panic attacks. I for the most part am a pretty confident girl but I soooooo am not when I am in a swim suit. Doesn't matter if I am fit or not, I am not one that feels super confident in a Bikini and my boys are ready to go swimming NOW.
Our gym has a pretty awesome pool and I told my husband last night that I am so worried to go, especially the gym pool because I always see people I know, or the regulars. I just really should care, but I do.
I promised myself that I will not let my "swimsuit" insecurities get in the way this year like it does every year because who really cares anyways? NO ONE!!!!  I feel bad that my kids miss out some times because of me. All because I don't want to be seen.
So time for me to be a big girl and enjoy this amazing weather with my sweet family and who gives a crap who I might see and just ENJOY it:) (not going to lie, I will be freaking out in the inside;) LOL

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back in the zone!

Oh man, I am having the HARDEST time ever with my diet. By "diet" I mean eating healthy. Ugh I just can't get out of the funk. But I do have to say that I started back up with my workouts and starting to feel so much better, and I have done a little better with my diet this week but not as good as I want. Sometimes I think taking a brake for a bit is actually a bad thing. For me anyways. Cheat days are a must but when I take a "brake" for a week or so, it turns into a month brake and soooooo hard to get back into the groove. Blahhhhhh
Remember how my main goal is to be "buff?" LOL I am going to hit that goal, and I hope I do this year. It will take some SERIOUS dedication, motivation and discipline but I know I can do it. I asked my Hubs tonight how long he thinks it would take me and he thinks maybe 6-9 months. Really I don't have a time frame. I know it takes time and I want to do it the healthy way but I found a pic on Pinterest (I know I have posted many before) but this is the perfect picture for me. I know some think this look is ugly, but I absolutely LOVE it!!!!! I have always been into very strong and fit bodies and I want to see if I can do it, and you know me, I love to do what most wouldn't do:) Actually I know I can. I just need to be 200% committed. Maybe this year, next year, when ever, but I will reach my goal one day.
First, I need to do some major research. I know what I do isn't enough. I need to learn what I should be doing to reach my goal. So for now this pic below is my "Dream body" Oh wait, I'm no longer going to "dream" I WILL reach my goal!!!!!!! :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

3 hour spin class

So on Saturday May 4th, My friend and I did a 3 hour, yes 3 hour outside spin class. All the money went towards the MS society. I have to be honest, I was a little worried for this class. For one it's 3 HOURS and I haven't done spin in about 2 years so I knew it would hurt.
The class started at about 9:15ish and we were off. It was seriously sooooooo much fun!!! I had a blast. The weather was amazing. Warm with a cool breeze. They were passing out bagels, orange wedges, granola bars, water, Gatorade, spraying sun screen on everyone, giving out a ton of prizes, which by the way, I won a $10.00 gift card to a pizza joint:)
It was challenging at times but I did it:) It was AWESOME!!! I for got how much I love and miss spin. I want to try and go to one spin class a week.
I am also surprised that I am not really sore at all. My bum is a tiny bit and my legs aren't at all. I guess my body was ready for it since I've been running a ton.
I can't wait to do this again next year:)

Recipes for May

I am going to try and do my whole month of May menu and I really wanted to try some new healthy recipes out. Just click on each link to get the recipe and after I have made it, I'll come back and write what I think about it:)
Here are a few things we will be having this month. I don't have it organized just yet, but you can get an idea of what we will be having. I hope they all turn out good:)

Chicken Marsala
I will not be using mushroom because we don't like them and I will not use parsley  because I think it's a waste. LOL I will not be eating the chicken since I don't eat meat, but I will make some Quinoa and put the sauce on it and maybe add some black beans.

BBQ Chicken Quinoa Salad
I will not be eating chicken on mine, but I will add some BBQ sauce to my meal.I think this looks really good:)

Cabbage Rolls
I will not be using the wild rice like it calls for. I will use Quinoa. I will also make some with ground beef for my family and some with black bean for me. Can't wait to try it:)

Now these I make all the time and we all LOVE them. I love it because it seriously feels like I am eating a good ol piece of fatty pizza, but it's healthy:) I will eat a little pepperoni (I know weird) but I have been using the turkey ones lately and they taste just as good and so much better for you:)

You can just look at the picture and see how to make  them. YUMMM

Blackened Chicken and Cilantro Limo Quinoa

 Honey sesame Chicken
I've made this many times and my husband loves it. I serve it over brown rice.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Time to get in the Zone........ again!!!

Oh man, this month I haven't done well with my diet at all. For one, I needed to eat a lot of complex carbs for my Marathon, but those healthy complex carbs turned into, french fries, toast, cereal and more:( It's crazy how easy and fast you can fall back into your old habits. I also haven't worked out since my race which was 5 days ago. I am almost fully recovered but my feet and ankle are still pretty sore. They feel more bruised then anything. I've decided that I will rest until Monday, then start back at it again. I'm not so worried about my workouts, it's my diet. I really need to get back into the the zone and eating healthy. Oh and it's also been hard to eat healthy because my boys are off track now and are bored staying home, so we are always going out to eat.
Really, it's just excuse after excuse but I can and will do it:)
Swimsuit session is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Today is finally race day. The big 26.2 Marathon!!! Like I've said before, I have been freaking out all week. Just so, so nervous. Last night I got in bed at 12:00 and the last time I looked at the clock it was 12:45 and I for some reason woke up at 3:37 am (my alarm was set for 4:30) Actually wasn't tired at all when I got up. I got ready and my friend was at  my house at 5:00 am.
When we got there, it was raining. I don't mind the rain, but I hate if it's pouring.
Right before we took of, we all did a moment of silence and sang the Boston song and we all held our fits in the air with our Boston bracelets on. It was such an amazing and emotional experience.
Finally it was time to RUN. Oh man, it was POURING. Withing 5 minutes, my clothes and hair were soaked and it was really cold and it pretty much rained the whole entire race.
I felt so strong and kept my pace around 8:40 all the way to mile 7, Couldn't believe how good I felt. Our course was awesome and I couldn't believe all the amazing people handing out food, drinks, candy, and even alcohol. haha Yes, the hippies we passen out alcohol for everyone. haha
My left knee started KILLING at mile 18. It was BAD. I seriously felt like I was galloping. It was so painful. Finally I got to mile 22 and was so surprised to see my hubby, my 2 little boys, my Aunt, uncle, cousin and my besties husband. I instantly started to cry. I wasn't winded at all but my poor knee:( Seeing them cheering me on, I got the boost of energy that I needed to finish strong. From that point on, I don't think I ran a full mile without walking a bit. Oh and to make things worse, my GPS was off by almost 2 miles!!!!! Here I thought I was at mile 25 and it really was only mile 23. Ahhhhhhh but I had to keep going.
I could finally see the finish line and knew there was no way I could sprint this race, but guess what, I took off. Probably the fastest sprint I have ever done. I felt so good afterwards. My time was 4.48, but that is not my final time, I'm thinking I did it a minute or so faster, but wont know that for a few days. My sweet Dad was there to celebrate with me. My poor family had to wait in the pouring rain.
My husband couldn't believe how good I felt. He thought I would be crying and in pain. I mean my knee was killing and I was sore, but I was OK. After about 10 minutes, the pain started to come. I had to go to the aid station and get ice for my knee. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!
As I was sitting on chair icing my knee, here comes my bestie. I am so proud of her. She is amazing and I love how we always race together.
After we left the race, my husband and I went and got some food at Italian Village. I seriously could barley walk. I was FREEZING the whole time we were eating. I was still so soaked.
After lunch we came home. I had a very nice long hot bath, and I have been in bed ever since with ice on my knees. I got up to go to the bathroom and OMG my whole body KILLS!!!!!! This Mama is in some serious pain.
I want to thank everyone who has supported me on my Marathon journey. It's been a long, tough process but I DID IT!!!!!! My husband said "I am so proud of you" then I said "thanks, I am proud too" Hahah. For real, I am. I worked my butt off hard to be able to run this. I know one thing is for sure. I want to run another Marathon next year:)
My races are not over, I still have a few 5k's and 3 1/2 marathons that I will be running this year.
It feels so good to cross another thing off my buck list and I can now finally say " I have ran a FULL Marathon" and yes, I do feel like a bad ass just a little bit;) hahaha
Oh I have to thank you to everyone at the race who kept us all save. There were cops everywhere!! Even 2 helicopters watching over us at all times.
 It's almost race time. Ahhhhhhh
 We wrote "Boston" on the back of our legs
 Added another medal to my board:) Excited to add at least 3 more this year:)
 Almost to the finish line

 Sprint time, and yes I beat that lady, but barley
 In the freakin zone
 All DONE!!! 26.2 MILES!!!!

 WE DID IT!!!!
 My beautiful flowers from my Aunt and Uncle
 Feels sooooo good to be DONE
Here I am at mile 22 when I saw my family. I started cry. I was beyond SORE, my knee KILLED, and here was my family cheering me on. It was a very special moment.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

3 more days!!!

I can't believe I only have 3 more days until my race!!!! I remember when I signed up over 6 months ago, and how I wasn't sure how I was going to get through this. These last 16 weeks have been the hardest thing I have ever been through. Hours and hours of running, ran over 400 miles, weight training, changing my diet, and VERY sore legs/body.
As the days and hours go by, I am getting more and more nervous. I know I am more then ready for this race, but I am so nervous for the pain that I will be in:/ When ever I finish a really long run, I take a bath right away, but this time I can't do that. I probably wont be home until at least 2 hours after my race, and when you are in a race, you push yourself even harder and I will be running the furthest I have ever ran. I am SCARED!!!! I think I will have my husband bring Ice so I can ice my legs right when I finish. I have REALLY had to prepare myself mentally this week. I am more quite and trying to just rest and chill as much as possible. I'm not sleeping well and making myself have an upset stomach. That's how nervous I am:/
I can't wait to cross that finish line and to see my family there. My husband said he can't wait either, hahaha he's ready for me to be done for a bit with running, but that's not going to happen:) I have a race almost every month this year but this will be my only Full for the year and maybe for ever. We shall see if I do it again. My poor foot (my bad one that I had my surgeries on) is starting to act up this week and both my knees are acting up a little bit too.
Today I am scheduled for a 2 mile WALK. I think I will just do this walk on the treadmill at the gym so I can sit in the Sauna afterwards:)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I WILL RUN!!!!!!!

Yesterday was one of the biggest events for a runner. The Boston marathon. Not anyone can run this race, you have to qualify to run this race. I have a bunch of runner pages that I follow on facebook and I was so excited for my running community to run in this amazing event. As the day had gone by, I heard what had happened:( My heart just broke and I instantly started crying. Why, oh why are there such evil people in this world??? I fear for my children to grow up in such a scary evil world:(
In honor of everyone in Boston, I will be wearing one of my racing shirts. Most of the running pages I am a part of suggested that all us runners wear them.
This quote was from one of the running pages:

"I hope you'll join me in supporting our ENTIRE running family by wearing a race t-shirt tomorrow... Let's all stand together and let the world know that our runner's spirit is not broken, but stronger because we are a part of this amazing, resilient family.

Wearing a race t-shirt will not change what happened today, but it will help us find a way to heal and remind us all that we will rise again to run another day - NO ONE and no amount of hate will keep us from our goals and dreams.

We are runners.

And we will run."

I am proud to be a runner and wont stop. I am still running in the Salt lake Full Marathon this Saturday and I will be dedicating this race to Boston.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Tonight I went on a Date night at The Olive Garden with my Oldest son who is 8 1/2.  While we were driving home, I told him that I needed to work out again tonight since I ate soooooooo much. Blahhhh not a fan of the Olive Garden. I always feel like crap when I eat there.  I had gone to the gym a few hours before we went to dinner and my son then said, "Mom, you exercise almost every single day and are always skinny, and every day you look the same. Why do you keep exercising!!??" I had to explain to my son again (we have had this talk a few times now) all the benefits of exercise and healthy eating. I told him the reason I stay the size that I am is because I eat healthy and exercise, how exercise builds muscle and makes me stronger, how important it is for me to be healthy so I can take care of my family, how there is no way I could run as fast as I do or as long if I didn't exercise etc. I have no idea if he was really listening to what I had to say, but it is soooooo important to teach our child the importance of being healthy. I'm not talking about being skinny, I never promote being "skinny" I mean being HEALTHY!!!.
When we got home, I told my husband what we had talked about in the truck, and my 6 year old said "Yeah, you have to exercise to make you have big muscles so you can fight the bad guys off"  Hahah I guess that's another reason to be fit, but lets hope that NEVER happens:/
I just think it's so amazing what our little children take it. How observant they really are. I want to be the best example I can for my boys and hope that we can all live a long and healthy life. I love my little family so much. Everything I do is for them. xoxo

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 more days!!!!!

Ahhhhhhh!!!  Only 10 more days!! I am freaking out just a bit. I am more then ready, but still scared. I know I will be in some major pain, emotional, proud and excited all at the same time.
I can't wait to cross the finish line and finally say I DID IT!!!!!! :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

12 more days!!

I can't believe that I only have 12 more days until my Marathon!!!! Time has gone by fast!!!
Today was my schedule 3 mile run. The last 2 weeks are very low miles. Monday's and Wednesdays are always my "speed" days. Tonight I ran my 3 miles in 24 minutes. I was going to shoot for 21 minutes, but I was getting too tired. After my run it was time for some upper body and abs then finished with 15 minutes in the sauna. My favorite:) I felt really strong today and can finally say that I am ready for my race. I have never worked so hard in my life!!! These past 3 months have been killer!! I have not only ran a million miles but I have also weight trained the whole 3 months too. I feel great and very strong. I can't wait for race day!!:)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

20 miles DONE!!!!!

So today was my schedule 9 mile run, but since I was still sick last week and was only able to run 11 miles, I knew that I had to do my full 20 today. I have been preparing myself mentally for this run for a few days now. The furthest I have ever ran was 16 miles, plus I was sick and hadn't ran as much as I should. My sweet hubby let me sleep in today and I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up and saw that it was 10:30!!!! I hurried and got up, had some frosted flakes for breakfast (I know not the best breakfast but oh well. haha) waited about 1 1/2 hours then went outside to get my run on. I felt AMAZING most of my run. I couldn't believe how fast I was hitting every mile. My first 11 miles went by so fast and I felt great. It did rain a few times and the wind picked up here and there, but nothing major. It was actually great running weather for me.
When I got to mile 17 I was sooooooo exhausted!! Not really winded but my body was shutting down. My calves, knees and bum were on fire. When I hit mile 18 I started to cry. I had never ran that far before, I was almost home, I was so sore and just wanted to be DONE!! Today was definitely one of those days were I had to run with my heart. I had to KEEP GOING.  I finally finished my 20 miles in 3 hours and 28 minutes. It felt so good to be home. I walked into the house just exhausted and SORE!!! My poor calves kept getting charley horses. Nothing was helping, they were cramping up so bad.
After all my runs I ALWAYS take a long hot bath, but this time my husband said I needed to take an Ice cold bath. I have been told by many to do this but I just never have done it. My husband poured a bag full of ice into the ice cold water and I seriously just cried my eyes out. It was HORRIBLE!!! I kept telling him to turn the water off, that I was getting out. To be honest,  the cold was KILLING my feet. My tears just kept coming down my face. After about 2 minutes I was OK. Yes the water was FREEZING, but my body was use to it. I calmed down and ended up being in the freezing water for 5 minutes. My skin was bright red. We let all the water out and put hot water in. I then enjoyed my nice hot bath for about 20 minutes. My legs felt to much better. They are still very sore, but I'm not having any cramping at all.
I still can't believe I ran 20 MILES today. I am very proud. I have worked my butt off!!!!!! I've been training for 3 months now, and it feels so good to reach this goal:) If I want to reach my 4 hour mark, I need to run faster. I always run faster in races plus when I run, I pretty much have to stop at every intersection and some take up to 4 minutes before I can cross. So we shall see:)
I just had an amazing dinner with my hubs, now I am getting in my jammies and going to watch a movie. Peace!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I am a proud runner

I always have people asking me; How did you get into running? How often do you train? Oh there is no way I could run etc. Seriously you guys, I started from square one too. Here is my little story on how I started to get into running.
After I had my 3rd son, I really wanted to lose my baby weight. It was soooooo hard this time around. I was 26 years old and breastfeed. I don't know about other women, but for me, I eat way more when I breast feed then when I am pregnant, and I also nurse for 1 full year so I am not one of those Mom's that losses all the baby weight a few months after baby is born. In fact, I always hold onto a good 10+ pounds until AFTER I am done nursing. My son was about 6 months old and I was so down. My clothes didn't fit, I never wanted to get ready, I just felt yucky!!! I was always so tired and had no energy to workout. I got to a point were enough was enough. This is how I fell into running. I had heard about races all the time and I was NO runner. I mean I would try on the treadmill here and there, but I NEVER enjoyed it and never really cared to run on a treadmill again. When we lived in Italy, we bought a treadmill and I would walk on it all the time which I did enjoy but never really got into "running" just wasn't my thing. I have always worked out, just not a runner. So going back to running. I was so feed up that I decided I was going to run a 5k. I know, I know, how in the world am I going to run a 5k when I can't even run a full mile and I didn't really like to run??? But I didn't care. I knew I was going to do this!!!!! I signed up for the SLC 5k right away and had about 8 weeks to train. I didn't have a set training schedule, I just did my own thing. My first goal was to see if I could run 1 mile without stopping. Didn't matter what time, but didn't want to stop or walk. I can't remember how many days it took but I finally did it. I ran 1 mile none stop in 12 minutes. It was soooooo hard and I felt like I was going to throw up, but I did it. I instantly got this rush and knew that I could do it. My next goal was to see if I could run 2 miles with out stopping. And guess what, I did it!!!!!! As the weeks went by, I  was working so hard to see if I could run 3 miles with out stopping, and I DID IT!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! Now my next goal was to try and see if I could run 3 miles in 30 minutes. This was a HUGE challenge for me. It took a few tries, but I DID IT!!!!! I could run 3 miles in 30 minutes but it was HARD!!!
Finally it was race day. I was sooooo nervous not only to run a 5k, but everyone was watching. I didn't want to come in last place. I had worked so hard and wanted to make myself and my family proud. I took off and not going to lie, I was sooooooo tired. I had done most of my training on a treadmill so running outside was so much harder. I thought I was going to DIE!!!! I thought there was no way I was going to finish in 30 minutes like I did at home. I  finished my 5k in 30 minutes!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was beyond tired and exhausted but felt GREAT!!!! I wanted to keep going. That week, I signed up for another 5k that was in a few weeks. I ended up finishing that race in 29 min. 1 minute faster then my first race. So I signed up for another 5k (can't remember my time) and I was hooked. I knew that I wanted to run further, so I signed up for a 1/2 Marathon. This was HUGE for me. A 1/2 Marathon is 13.1 miles!!!! How am I going to run 10 more miles??? I could barley run my 3.1. The first thing I did was went to google and found a training schedule for a beginners 1/2 Marathon. I woke up almost every morning around 5:00 am and got my run on. I remember the first time I had to run 6 miles. I thought there was NO WAY but guess what, I did it. The very first time I had to run 10 miles, I was freaking out. I didn't know if I was going to come home alive or not. But I ran my little heart out and did it!!! I ran 10 miles NONE STOP. Never stopped or walk once. I remember when I came home I went to my bedroom and started crying to my husband. I was crying because I was soooooo exhausted and so proud at the same time. Here I was just a few months ago and could barley run 1 mile and today I just ran 10 miles. It was a very emotional day for me. Shortly after my 1/2 Marathon, I was pregnant with my 4th baby.  I stopped running completely but I did workout and walk all the way up to delivery day. I had missed running so much and knew I would have to start from square one again.
In 2012 I ended up running 3 5k's, 1 10K and 3 1/2 Marathons. I was so hooked. The one thing I didn't do during all my training was weight training. I was only doing cardio. Yes I could run for a long time and my speed was OK, but if I would have weight trained, I would have been able to run faster. So this year 2013 I promised myself that I was going to weight train as well as my cardio, and it has paid off big time. So far this year I have ran 3 5k's and my fastest 5k was 23 min. I am also running my first FULL Marathon 26.2 miles in 3 weeks, I will be running a few more 5k's and 3 maybe more 1/2 marathons.
Running is my passion. Yes it freakin sucks at times especially on the treadmill but the feeling you get when you are done is so amazing. It really is so amazing what our bodies can do. There was NO WAY I was ever going to run more then a 5k, now I am running 1/2 Marathons all the time and soon will be running my first full. I have NEVER worked so hard in my life then preparing for this Marathon. Seriously, it is harder then child birth and I have had 100% natural child births with all 4 of my kids. Running is no joke!!!! You are always sore, tired, stink, sooooo sweaty, but it is the most rewarding thing ever!!!! I love to do things that others wont do. I love to push myself to the limits to say I DID!!! I love to be good examples to my children. I love getting my medal after my races. I love seeing peoples reactions when I tell them how many miles I just ran, especially if I ran on the treadmill. Oh man, the furthest I have ran on a treadmill is 14 miles and it BLOWS!!! But hey, I did it:) I love races because it helps keep my motivated and I LOVE the competitiveness of it.
One of my goals is to get 1st place in women for any race. 5k, 1/2 Marathon what ever. Who knows if it will ever happen, because there are some FAST runners out there, but I would REALLY love to do it at least once. Not my age group because I have done that before:) I mean 1st place in women total. Wouldn't that be so cool?? Hahah
I also wanted to say that not only have races helped me stay motivated but one of my best friends also started running and has ran all races with me since 2012. She has done AMAZING!!!!! It really does help to have a running buddy. It helps motivate and pushes us.
 Yes, I have had injury's along the way. I use to get TERRIBLE shin splints, almost every single one of my toe nails have fallen off. I got runners knee after my Big Cottonwood 1/2 Marathon. OUCH it was the most painful thing ever!!!!! In previous post, I have written about my foot surgery's and the 2 screws in my big toe but I don't let that stuff stop me. Remember to always talk with a Doctor if you have ANY injuries.
So there you go, this is a some what of a short story on how I got into running. It doesn't happen over night. It takes A LOT of training, dedication, determination, but you can do it if you are whiling to work for it!!!! This Mama will keep running. There will come a day were I will not be able to run and today is that that day!!!!
I am very proud to say that I am a runner, I am an athlete, I am strong, I am VERY determined and dedicated, I am proof that a Mother of 4 can do this, that I am 31 years old and I am doing this!!!  Always, always, always go after your dreams. xoxo

Stronger and stronger

It's crazy to think how far I have come in just 3 months. I am so much stronger. I remember only being able to curl 30 pounds on the bicep curling machine, and today I am at 65 pounds, and yes, I  do  full set of reps at 65 pounds. My back, I remember starting around 50 pounds on the back machine, and today I can do 110 pounds and actually I'm pretty sure I can do more but I haven't tried. I will tomorrow:) Shoulder press machine, I started out around 25 pounds and today I can bust out 40 pounds. Leg presses, I am able to do 310 pounds full reps but my legs do get really tired. Not only is that a lot of weight, but I always do my weights after my cardio. So the other day I ran 8 miles on the treadmill and went straight to my leg workouts and my legs were so tired but I was still able to do:)
Strength training is seriously so important. It has helped so much with my running. I can run so much longer and faster without getting so tired. In January I ran the Frigid 5k and won 1st place in my age group with my fastest time of 27.36 and just 1 month later, I ran the Valentine date dash 5k in 23 min. (can't remember the seconds??) So in just 1 month I was able to run over 2 minutes faster which is huge in running.
After my Marathon, I am really going to up my weight training. I still have a long ways to go, but it feels so good to be on the right track, and to finally see some toning all over my body:) It's always a good feeling to actually SEE all the hard work you've done pay off.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Now onto new goals

It feels so good to reach my first goal. I worked so, so, so HARD!!!! But my journey is not over. It is now time for new goals. Time to focus on my toning and leaning out more, but I do have to still be very careful with my weight training until after my marathon which is only 3 WEEKS AWAY!!!! Ahhhhhh I am freaking out just a bit. I have never worked so hard in my life to pre pair for this marathon. I have many mixed feelings right now about my race coming up. I am scared, nervous and super excited at the same time. This is HUGE for me. I can not wait to cross the finish line and to know that I did it!!! I have ran hundreds of miles, hours and HOURS of running, running 4 days a week, pushing myself way beyond my comfort levels, I have improved my speed by a lot, I have more then doubled my weights in my weight training. I feel so much stronger.
My goal for my race day is to try and finish around the 4 hour mark but we will have to see. It really all depends on the course, if it's hot out etc, but that is a goal I am going to try and see if I can do , but really all that matters is I finish:) 26.2 miles is a long time to run. This is one race that I want my whole family to be at. I already know I will be crying my eyes out. Being a runner, you have so many mixed emotions. You are so freaking exhausted, always thinking "What the crap did I get myself into", so happy to be done, and proud all in one and can't wait for the next race.
I do not have any more long runs. My last weeks of training are very mild. This week my runs will be 5,8,5,9 and the miles go down each week until race day.
I really need to remember to continue to have a good diet of clean eating. Every time I reach a goal, I tend to fall back into my bad habits:/ I really enjoyed my Easter weekend. I ate lots of yummy food and treats and doing the same today:( I need to get my mind back into the zone and kill it, just working out will not do it. You have to have a good diet and exercise to see the results you want.
*I have to say THANK YOU all so much for all the comments, messages, stopping me at the gym, restaurants, and viewing  my blog. Seriously, you guys are the main reason I was able to reach my goal. I have said so many times to my husband and brother " I have to do good, I have people who are rooting for me I can't give up, I have to have some amazing results to show people it can be done, to show that being a busy Mom you can still do it, having 4 kids you can still do, being 31 you can still do it. I have been very honest on my blog because I want you to know that I am human and like all the crap food too. Remember I'm a fast food junky?? Hahaha but I want to show you that it is OK to make mistakes we all do. Just remember to get back on track and you will be fine. Try and limit your cheat meals to 1-2 times a week and you will be fine. Thank again everyone and I can't wait to continue on my journey and to help others reach their fitness goals as well. LET'S DO THIS!!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

90 day health challenge is DONE!!!

Hello again, it feels so good to be writing on my blog:) I've had so much to post about but had to wait.
First off, this morning was our final weigh in. The weigh in were we have all been working our butts off to win. Remember how I was so sick last week? Well, I didn't lose not even an ounce, and I was so worried because I couldn't work out and didn't for 7 full days. I finally felt better and had 2 days to workout as hard as I could. Today is my schedule 20 mile run but I am just so busy today that I decided to run it yesterday. Around mile 9, I was feeling sick. I started to see black dots so I walked a bit, had some water and kept going. Finally at mile 11 I was DONE. I felt soooooo sick so I had to call my hubby to pick me up:( I was so sad I couldn't finish, but I am not back to myself just yet. I would say I am 90% better, but I really needed to have some good workouts for this weigh in.
OK so back to the weigh in:) The final 2 was between my younger brother and I. We were both were shaking and soooooo nervous. We have both worked so hard and both really wanted to win. He told me I had to weigh in first. I got on the scale and it said 128.6 with 12.51% baby fat loss. My brother got on the scale and we were both freaking out, we knew it was close. The totals were in and I won just barley. I couldn't believe it. My brother came in at 12.48. I am sooooooo very proud of him. He looks amazing and lost 41 pounds!!!!!
I am also so proud of my husband who is down 21 pounds. He has worked so hard and looks amazing as well.
So as of January 1st, I weighed in at 147.6 and today I am 128.6!!! I haven't been this small since our wedding day over 11.5 years ago and I have had not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 kids!!! I seriously feel amazing. I did no special diet, no pills, just the old fashion eating healthy and good ol exercise. My journey is not over. I am fine with my weight, but I still have a lot more toning to do. I can finally see my abs after all these years. Hahaha
You guys, It can be done!!!!!! All it takes is clean eating, exercise and dedication. You can all do it I promise!!! I will still continue with my fitness blog since I still have work to do, but for today, I will enjoy my day and eat have a full on cheat day. I know you shouldn't reward yourself with food, but I sure am today. I deserve it! Haha:)
Oh and yes I know my hair looks TERRIBLE!!!! I hope to get it done in a few weeks. hahaha
                                                        Here I am today at 128.6 pounds
                     I am now up to 65lbs on the bicep curling machine. Started at 30 pounds
Yesterday I was able to do 95lbs on the back machine. Started at around 55lbs
                My tummy is always the very hardest spot for me to tone. It takes FOR EVER!!!!!
Here is my very first before picture. Taken on January 1st. Weighing in at 147.6

Sunday, March 24, 2013

1 quick post

So I know I said I wasn't going to do a post until March 30th, but I had to tell you what's been going on with me. Monday I ran my 5 miles and felt great. Tuesday I went to the gym with my hubs and had an amazing cardio and upper body workout.  Then Wednesday, BAMMMMMMM I woke up super sick. Major body aches, slight sore throat, mucus cough, ugghhh I just didn't feel well. Then Thursday came, I was even sicker I was too sick to go to our boys Parent Teachers conferences:( Then it was Friday, my husband's Birthday. I love to always make every one's Birthday so special.  I was sicker then a dog but set my alarm and woke up at 6:30am to go to the grocery store to buy stuff to make crepes for my love. I got home and started making breakfast and I was dying. My husband kept telling me I didn't have to make them but I insisted. I was finally done and had to lay down. My amazing husband cleaned up all the mess without me even asking. I felt so bad. I really wanted to do more and have a fun day but I just couldn't. He totally understood and doesn't care about his Birthday, but it still made me sad that I couldn't do more. I took some NyQuil and went straight to sleep. Well my body aches we so bad that they woke me up every hour and so I ended up taking a hot bath at 3:00am I was finally back to bed around 4:00. When I woke up for the day on Saturday I was even sicker!!!! I told my husband "That's it I'm going to the Doctor's I think I have strep" My son had had it the week before and my throat was killing at this point. I went straight to the Doctors just miserable. Guess what?? No step, the Doctor said I just have a virus/flu and should last about 5-7 days. I just wanted to cry. I seriously haven't been this miserable in a very long time. I actually broke down to my husband Friday night. I am just so frustrated, I hurt everywhere, weak, I HATE laying around. I had a Primary activity that I was supposed to be at Saturday morning and had to tell them I couldn't go and was so worried that they would think I was "flaking" out. I couldn't go to church today with my family and I missed my son's talk in Primary. Ughhhhhh it's been terrible!!!!!!
This after noon I asked my husband for another blessing. He had given me one the night before, but I wanted another one. By this point, I had a fever. This was my first fever I've had since being sick. My husband said that he was going to call the Bishop over (he lives across the street) to do the blessing with him. I instantly got mad. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our Bishop, but I just don't like asking for help from ANYONE. I have always been this way. There is no reason really, I just don't want to interrupt people but my husband called him over anyways. I was so mad at him, but I have to tell you, once I saw the bishop in my home, I knew it was the right thing and I wasn't mad at the hubs anymore:) I had an amazing blessing and I know I will get feeling better asap and hope I can finally get a fulls night rest. I am so thankful for the power of the Priesthood.
Oh I forgot to say that one of the main reasons I am so frustrated is, our health challenges ends this coming Saturday. I was crying to my hubs saying, "Why now!!!! I can't be sick NOW!!!!!! I haven't been able to workout in 4 days, I haven't really eaten a thing, and you know what the crazy thing is, I haven't lost not even 1 ounce since being sick. I thought for sure I would since I'm not really eating, but I guess my body is holding  onto every little thing because no weight has come off at all.
So I'm not really sure how my 3 month challenge will end. I am very bummed that I am sick NOW of all time. I know I totally jinxed myself. At the st. patty's 5k, I was telling my friend how my kids have pretty much been sick on and off all winter, and how I really haven't been sick. I have had days were I don't feel good, but always better by the next day or so. Then BAMMMM here I am on my death bed. I couldn't run my schedule 8,5,and 18 miles this week. I have been soooooooo down. I feel so helpless. Usually when I don't feel good, I still keep going but I just can't. I seriously can barley get out of bed.
To be honest, my health is what is most important not a health challenge, but not going to lie, I am SUPER BUMMED right now. If I start to feel better, then I will go back to my workouts, but we shall see. We are still doing our weigh in Saturday morning. Wish me some luck because I really need it.
OK, so this really ill be the last post until Saturday:)

*I have to give a shot out to my AMAZING husband who has been so good taking care of me and our boys. Enough though I can't sleep (I am majorly congested) he has kept the boys quiet, and they have all been angels. I am going to stay positive and continue to pray that I get better asap, and that NO ONE in my family gets what I have. See you Saturday and hope I have some good news to share:)

Monday, March 18, 2013

See you soon:)

Wanted to let you all know that I will not be posting ANY more posts until March 30th. The reason is, I don't want my brother seeing what I am doing these next few weeks with my workouts and eating.  Hahahaha Sorry Brad (not sure if he even reads this) I'm not letting you see or hear what I am up to these last 2 weeks;) I REALLY want to win this Health Challenge soooooo bad, but I do have to say, I am VERY proud of him. He's done amazing and he is in first place.
So, so long for now, please wish me LOTS of luck because it sure is getting harder and harder for me to lose weight. Peace out!!!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A few pics

I have wanted to take picture for ever but I wasn't doing well with my diet so I thought I would wait. I took a few this morning. I still have A LOT of toning to do. My lower belly is so hard to tone. I always have this little bulge, but I'm going to keep trying. I am proud of my results so far and not going to share my weight loss yet:) We are doing our final weigh in Saturday March 30th 2 days earlier then planned.
Toning is coming along slowly but surely:)

This is me this morning. I need to have my hubs take a full body shot

This is my first before pic weighing in at 147

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's 5k

This afternoon was my St. Patrick's 5k run. Race 3 for the year so far.The race started at 11:00 and it was a little chilly due to the wind, but once you took off, it got HOT! I thought this was a tough race. But 5k's are always hard for me. I am more of a distance runner then a speed runner, but I still did pretty well. My goal was to place in the top 3 so I can get a medal:) I have to be honest, I was a little bummed when I crossed the finish line to see that I placed 4th!!! The girl who got 3rd beat me by 7 SECONDS!!! But it's all good. I placed 4th in women age 30-34 and 17th out of 358 with a time of 25 minutes 11 seconds. So I can't complain:) It was a really fun race and fun to dress up:)

Also, today is my schedule 17 mile run. Since I ran 3.1 miles this morning during my race, I was going to run 14 miles tonight. Well...... that 14 miles turned into 3. I am just so beat. It's been a very long exhausting day. I MAY run the 11 tomorrow to make up my 17, but we will see.
I hope you all have a great St. Patrick's day. I know my boys are REALLY excited:)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sun shine

Today is my schedule 5 mile run. The weather is even better today, so outside I went. As I was running, I noticed that it was HOT, actually a little too hot for my liking while running. Although I ran at a good pace, I was beat when I got home. I never bring water with me unless I run 6+ miles, so I might have not been as tired if I had some water. But I can't complain, I am really enjoying this sun shine, and it's so nice to be running outside instead of the gym on the treadmill.
My St. Patty's 5k is in 2 days and I can't wait!!! It's going to be a blast and last I heard there were over 300 people signed up so it's going to be FUN:)
I hope you can all get outside and enjoy this amazing weather. Try and do some workouts outside instead of the gym this week:)

Oh, today I had to go to the store and I decided to try out there blood pressure machine. I was shocked to see that you can not only check your blood pressure, but it can tell you your body fat/ BMI as well. This test is not as accurate as blood work that you would do at the Doctors but it's better then nothing:) I was VERY pleased with my results:) My weight is not correct. It's off by a few pounds I'm not that small yet:) You don't type in your weight, it has you sit and it some how takes it. Ever since I became a runner (4 years ago) I have always had amazing blood pressure. In fact, every time I go to the Doctors, they take my blood pressure and say "You must be a runner" :) See it's a good thing to be a runner:) It's good for the body, mind and soul:)

Love me some Vitamin D :)

Yesterday was my schedule 8 mile run. The weather here in Utah has been AMAZING!!!! I decided that I am running outside. I took off feeling great, strong and just happy. The sun was beating on my face and I loved every minute of it. The first 3 miles I was running towards the wind but it felt great.
I love how you can tell who are runners. They are the ones that smile, wave and honk and I had 4 of those yesterday, and yes they were all women and I man:) haha. I totally do the same because I know what they are going through or I wish that were me running out there:)
Yay for the awesome spring weather:)

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today was my  schedule 5 mile run. I decided that I would go to the gym this time since I haven't been in over 2 weeks!!! I can't believe it's been that long, but I have been working out at home and running outside. I felt AMAZING on my run today. Kept my pace at 7.5 the whole entire time until the last .25 miles, then put my speed at 8.8 and finished strong at 40 min 55 sec. After my run it was time for upper body. I felt really weak today while doing upper body. I've been doing weights at home, but it's just not the same as machines. I am feeling great and now ready to watch the Bachelor:)
It's true:)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Time for a new week

I can't remember what week of training I am on. Haha I think 10?? Anyways, tomorrow is a start of a new week. A new week of eating clean, LOTS of running and strength training. I didn't do the greatest AGAIN this week with my diet. But it's all good. I'm excited for this new week. My training this week will be 5,8,5,17. I really need to be in the zone 110% if I am going to win this Health Challenge:) Just a few more weeks to go!!!
So tonight while putting our kids to bed, my 6 year old noticed my bicep and said, "Wow Mom you have a big muscle, it's as big as Steven's (my 18 year old nephew) I thought it was so cute and also made me proud that you can see my hard work. I really have slacked off BIG time for about 5 weeks. If I would have done everything 110% I would see much better results, but I am proud of my progress so far and will continue to work hard. I need to remember that it takes time and will not happen over night, that I will get in my ruts and that's OK.
My goals this week will be:
*Gym every day except for Sunday.
*In bed by 10:00-10:30
*Drink more water (I do drink a ton, but I should drink more)

Here's to a very healthy and fit week:)

*Oh by the way, I just noticed that my blog has been viewed 5,489 TIMES!!!!! Thank you all for the support, I REALLY need it more then ever to get me through these next few weeks to try and win my Health Challenge:)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Oh boy!!!!!!

So today was my schedule 16 mile run. I went around 3:15. It was chilly but not bad. As I was running, the wind was blowing, but it was coming from behind so I didn't mind at all. Well....... that only lasted for my first 6 miles then BAM 10 miles straight of FREEZING, COLD, FAST, WIND in my face the WHOLE TIME!!!! I was seriously DYING!!!!! Today was defiantly a day that I thought "What the HELL was I thinking" It was HORRIBLE!!!!! I seriously wanted to hitch hike when I hit the 12 mile mark. Because of the wind, it took me 24 minutes longer then last week.
I am soooooo miserable. My body hurts, I'm still freezing, I am so tired. Oh sorry to complain so much but it was the worst run of my life, oh beside the time I ran 6 miles in 95 degree weather with NO water. Yeah that was almost as bad as today's run. Haha
After my run, I went straight into the house, and got in a boiling hot bath. I was soooo FREEZING. My hands wouldn't even work. I couldn't even open my Gatorade bottle. After my 30 minute bath I needed a malt! My husband was gone with the kids so I went to Sonic and got me an Oreo malt. I know, not healthy at all but I don't care. I needed it:)
Every Saturday I am always stuck in my bed after my long runs. I am so tired, and can't move. My husband said today "I really hate the days you run" Hahaha. Sorry love, just another month to go until my race:)
I REALLY hope it's not windy for my 5K next Saturday and my 14 mile run after (I am schedule for 17 total for next Saturday)
Oh the joys of being a runner. Gotta love and hate it at the same time:) But I do have to say, even though I am so miserable right now, I also feel good knowing that I DID IT!! It took forever and was so freaking hard, but I did:)
I am done winning now, sorry for being so down, but it was tough!!! I am going to watch a movie with my hubs. Good night:)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Training, training and more training

Yesterday was my schedule 8 mile run. I was going to go the gym but didn't make it so I decided that I would just run on my treadmill after the kids went to sleep. To be honest, I really wasn't in the "running mood" but it had to get done. I turned on my Sex and the City and got my run on. I was maybe 2 miles into my run and I was already sooooooo tired. Ughhhh I was not in the mood but I kept going. I was finally at 3 1/2 miles and my older son came downstairs and said that our baby (he is almost 3) was up. I went up stairs, got him back in bed and went down stairs. Not even 5 min later my older son came down again. Ughhhhh. By the time I got my baby back to bed, 20 minutes had gone by. Any little motivation and energy that I did have was gone, and it was 10:15 pm at this point. I gave up. I was DONE!!! I came up stairs, had a shower and was in bed by 10:40.  I'm a little upset I gave up, but something is better then nothing. Oh, I also forgot to say that my legs were super sore and stiff. I think it's from my 22 mile bike ride I did the night before. Oops:/
Today is my schedule 5 mile run.  It is cold today, but I didn't care, I was running this 5 miles outside. I felt great and finished strong. I still have upper body to do, but I'll do that when I put my boys to bed and while I'm watching my shows:)
It's funny how mental running is. If I have 5 miles then I can do it but barely. 16 miles, no problem but can't go longer. Seriously my hardest run is 3 MILES. Yes just 3 miles. It crazy how tried and worn out I am with just an easy 3 mile run. My 5K races are always so hard. Running is seriously sooooooo mental. I am excited for my rest day of running tomorrow, then Saturday will be another 16.

Yummy, yummy in my tummy

Tonight I made one of my very favorite meals ever. Quinoa black bean burrito bowls. I got the idea from Pinterest: of course:) YUMMMM
Mine has quinoa, black bean, tomato's, half a small avocado, salsa, tiny bit of cheese, and tons of JalapeƱos (I added more after I took this pictire because I LOVE them so much).
Jason's has: quinoa, black bean, half avocado, tiny bit of cheese, he also topped with salsa and fat free sour cream. I usually add some olives but I didn't have any. this time. So YUMMY!!!! I love this meal because it's full of flavor, doesn't taste like "diet food" and it's super healthy for you,, just be careful with the black beans since they do have carbs, but they are are great source of Protein as well as Quinoa.
ENJOY!!! :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Health Challenge

As you all know, I am have been in a health challenge since January 1 and it ends April 1st. I REALLY want to win so bad!!!! I could really use the money for clothes. I need clothes so bad!! I seriously wear the same 4 outfits. I wish I didn't fall back into my bad eat habits last month but it's all good. I know what I need to do and I will do the best I can. I've decided that I will not post ANY weight loss until our final weigh in day. I want to keep it a secret and I don't want my competitors to see were I am at. Hahaha;) Actually, I don't even know if they read this??? I will also post some after pictures, but I most likely wont be as tone as I wanted or thought I would be at that point. Only because with my training for my Marathon, I thought I could go all hard core on my weight training but I just can't. I am still weight training, just not as crazy as I was doing before. I am doing what my trainer said to do, but after my race on April 20th, I will really step up the strength training.
Well.... It's time for some breakfast and I will run my scheduled 8 mile run tonight after the kids are in bed.
Wish me luck!!!!! :)

Monday, March 4, 2013


Well. I didn't end up running at 5:30am like planned. My alarm did go off but there was NO WAY I could get up. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, and out 4 year old woke up crying with an ear infection, and my hubby is now sick too:( I feel so bad for my little family.
I was able to go for my run this afternoon since my hubby stayed home sick today. I went up to daybreak for one I love running around the lake, and I just wanted to run a different route. So the sun is out today but it's FREEZING!!! As I took off, the dang wind was blowing towards me for 3 whole MILES!!!! I was seriously already so tried at mile 1. My average pace is usually around 8:20's-40's. Today due to the wind, my average pace was around 9:20. I was so beat and walked so much. It's crazy how draining the wind is. My poor hands were numb.
I am so glad to be done:) I still have upper body to do but will do that later tonight.
I have done really well with my clean eating today. No cheating at all. I ALMOST had a brownie but didn't. I decided to have a string cheese instead. Yay me:) This girl LOVES treats a little too much:/
I took this picture on my run this afternoon. It was so cold that the lake was frozen. Brrrrr

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I am so sorry for posting a pic of my VERY UGLY feet, but I wanted to show you what my poor feet go through due to my many miles and hours of running.  My left foot, all toes are bruised except for my big toe.  My right foot, I have no bruising, but my big toe nail did fall off in November and it's grown back only halfway and my pinkie toe nail fell off a few weeks ago.
I have been told that this is happening because I need bigger shoes. That is actually false. I went to my Podiatrist in December when my toes were even worse then they are now. I told him how everyone keeps saying I need bigger shoes. He said that this is VERY common for long distance runners. He actually said that my feet don't look that bad compare to other runners that see him. He said this is very common.
I did get new shoes in December and actually got a full size bigger just to see if it would make any difference even though my Doctor said it wouldn't, and he was right. I am still having the same issues. I have even tried different brands of shoes but he said this is a common side effect for runners and I will just have to deal with it. I think it just depends on how you run. I must run more with my toes?? Oh well, I am just thankful I can run:)