Friday, October 24, 2014

Taking it one day at a time

Oops, since I haven't blogged in the longest time I keep forgetting to update. I'll try better next time. LOL
I am still not 100% on my diet but it has gotten so much better. I am FINALLY to the point were I actually want to eat healthy instead of going out to eat. I am just so ready to be fit again.  I just feel so much better inside and out.
I am also dong pretty good with my workouts. I can only do upper body and abs and even that can be a challenge. Since I can't put weight on my foot, I am constantly having to adjust. It's amazing how much you take for granted until it's taken away. The simplest task I can no longer do and having to find ways to make it work can  not only be exhausting but very challenging as well. I am however quite surprised that I can still lift just as heavy as before so that's great news :)
Since my news about my foot and my Doctor said "no more running, ever!" has totally broken my heart into pieces. I know, I know, how it's just running what the big deal? To me this is terrible news. I am proud to say that I am a runner. I am a long distance runner and love it. I love the competiveness of races, I love to go for a long run to clear my head and to say "Hell yeah I just ran 18+ miles today" :)  I love to push myself to limits that I didn't think were even possible. I love to show my boys about dedication and hard work.  I LOVE earning medals and 2 1st place trophies ;) I love that my bestie runs with me and how close it has made us. I love to have a goal and not only reach it but to PR. For me running was a hobby that I enjoyed and was good at.  So can you see my struggle? Ugh. I have had many, many brake downs. I see people running I cry, someone brings it up I cry, looking at my medals I cry. I am starting to hold it together and know this is life and how thankful I am that I even got to run all these years and experience all my amazing adventures.
I am thankful for my family and friends who made my very last race the best memory ever. None of us knew that my full Marathon this April would be it. I had family and friends meet me at a bunch of check points, they had shirts made, and they were cheering for me. It was by far my hardest race I have ever ran. I had to run with horrible blisters for 16 miles. I cried every time I saw someone I knew. Heck the first time I broke down was mile 8 to my 2 best friends Dawnita and Nicole. LOL
I will ALWAYS remember that race. I am beyond thankful for Dawnita who has been by my side every single step of the way. She's my running buddy and always there right beside me at each race.
I will always be there for her at each race she runs. If not a Volunteer then a cheerleader and always be there for her at the finish line.
I will not give up, I will find something else :) In the Spring, I hope to start cycling and start a new adventure, but for now it's time to say good bye to running. There will always be a special place in my heart for running and I will always cherish those memories.

1 comment:

  1. My comment just got deleted grrrr....
    Anyways I loved readibg this. You have made so many accomplishments these past few years. Am looking forward to reading all about your future ones. You got this girl! ;-)....Just xo
