Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back in the zone!

Oh man, I am having the HARDEST time ever with my diet. By "diet" I mean eating healthy. Ugh I just can't get out of the funk. But I do have to say that I started back up with my workouts and starting to feel so much better, and I have done a little better with my diet this week but not as good as I want. Sometimes I think taking a brake for a bit is actually a bad thing. For me anyways. Cheat days are a must but when I take a "brake" for a week or so, it turns into a month brake and soooooo hard to get back into the groove. Blahhhhhh
Remember how my main goal is to be "buff?" LOL I am going to hit that goal, and I hope I do this year. It will take some SERIOUS dedication, motivation and discipline but I know I can do it. I asked my Hubs tonight how long he thinks it would take me and he thinks maybe 6-9 months. Really I don't have a time frame. I know it takes time and I want to do it the healthy way but I found a pic on Pinterest (I know I have posted many before) but this is the perfect picture for me. I know some think this look is ugly, but I absolutely LOVE it!!!!! I have always been into very strong and fit bodies and I want to see if I can do it, and you know me, I love to do what most wouldn't do:) Actually I know I can. I just need to be 200% committed. Maybe this year, next year, when ever, but I will reach my goal one day.
First, I need to do some major research. I know what I do isn't enough. I need to learn what I should be doing to reach my goal. So for now this pic below is my "Dream body" Oh wait, I'm no longer going to "dream" I WILL reach my goal!!!!!!! :)

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