Saturday, April 6, 2013

20 miles DONE!!!!!

So today was my schedule 9 mile run, but since I was still sick last week and was only able to run 11 miles, I knew that I had to do my full 20 today. I have been preparing myself mentally for this run for a few days now. The furthest I have ever ran was 16 miles, plus I was sick and hadn't ran as much as I should. My sweet hubby let me sleep in today and I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up and saw that it was 10:30!!!! I hurried and got up, had some frosted flakes for breakfast (I know not the best breakfast but oh well. haha) waited about 1 1/2 hours then went outside to get my run on. I felt AMAZING most of my run. I couldn't believe how fast I was hitting every mile. My first 11 miles went by so fast and I felt great. It did rain a few times and the wind picked up here and there, but nothing major. It was actually great running weather for me.
When I got to mile 17 I was sooooooo exhausted!! Not really winded but my body was shutting down. My calves, knees and bum were on fire. When I hit mile 18 I started to cry. I had never ran that far before, I was almost home, I was so sore and just wanted to be DONE!! Today was definitely one of those days were I had to run with my heart. I had to KEEP GOING.  I finally finished my 20 miles in 3 hours and 28 minutes. It felt so good to be home. I walked into the house just exhausted and SORE!!! My poor calves kept getting charley horses. Nothing was helping, they were cramping up so bad.
After all my runs I ALWAYS take a long hot bath, but this time my husband said I needed to take an Ice cold bath. I have been told by many to do this but I just never have done it. My husband poured a bag full of ice into the ice cold water and I seriously just cried my eyes out. It was HORRIBLE!!! I kept telling him to turn the water off, that I was getting out. To be honest,  the cold was KILLING my feet. My tears just kept coming down my face. After about 2 minutes I was OK. Yes the water was FREEZING, but my body was use to it. I calmed down and ended up being in the freezing water for 5 minutes. My skin was bright red. We let all the water out and put hot water in. I then enjoyed my nice hot bath for about 20 minutes. My legs felt to much better. They are still very sore, but I'm not having any cramping at all.
I still can't believe I ran 20 MILES today. I am very proud. I have worked my butt off!!!!!! I've been training for 3 months now, and it feels so good to reach this goal:) If I want to reach my 4 hour mark, I need to run faster. I always run faster in races plus when I run, I pretty much have to stop at every intersection and some take up to 4 minutes before I can cross. So we shall see:)
I just had an amazing dinner with my hubs, now I am getting in my jammies and going to watch a movie. Peace!!!

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