Saturday, April 20, 2013


Today is finally race day. The big 26.2 Marathon!!! Like I've said before, I have been freaking out all week. Just so, so nervous. Last night I got in bed at 12:00 and the last time I looked at the clock it was 12:45 and I for some reason woke up at 3:37 am (my alarm was set for 4:30) Actually wasn't tired at all when I got up. I got ready and my friend was at  my house at 5:00 am.
When we got there, it was raining. I don't mind the rain, but I hate if it's pouring.
Right before we took of, we all did a moment of silence and sang the Boston song and we all held our fits in the air with our Boston bracelets on. It was such an amazing and emotional experience.
Finally it was time to RUN. Oh man, it was POURING. Withing 5 minutes, my clothes and hair were soaked and it was really cold and it pretty much rained the whole entire race.
I felt so strong and kept my pace around 8:40 all the way to mile 7, Couldn't believe how good I felt. Our course was awesome and I couldn't believe all the amazing people handing out food, drinks, candy, and even alcohol. haha Yes, the hippies we passen out alcohol for everyone. haha
My left knee started KILLING at mile 18. It was BAD. I seriously felt like I was galloping. It was so painful. Finally I got to mile 22 and was so surprised to see my hubby, my 2 little boys, my Aunt, uncle, cousin and my besties husband. I instantly started to cry. I wasn't winded at all but my poor knee:( Seeing them cheering me on, I got the boost of energy that I needed to finish strong. From that point on, I don't think I ran a full mile without walking a bit. Oh and to make things worse, my GPS was off by almost 2 miles!!!!! Here I thought I was at mile 25 and it really was only mile 23. Ahhhhhhh but I had to keep going.
I could finally see the finish line and knew there was no way I could sprint this race, but guess what, I took off. Probably the fastest sprint I have ever done. I felt so good afterwards. My time was 4.48, but that is not my final time, I'm thinking I did it a minute or so faster, but wont know that for a few days. My sweet Dad was there to celebrate with me. My poor family had to wait in the pouring rain.
My husband couldn't believe how good I felt. He thought I would be crying and in pain. I mean my knee was killing and I was sore, but I was OK. After about 10 minutes, the pain started to come. I had to go to the aid station and get ice for my knee. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!
As I was sitting on chair icing my knee, here comes my bestie. I am so proud of her. She is amazing and I love how we always race together.
After we left the race, my husband and I went and got some food at Italian Village. I seriously could barley walk. I was FREEZING the whole time we were eating. I was still so soaked.
After lunch we came home. I had a very nice long hot bath, and I have been in bed ever since with ice on my knees. I got up to go to the bathroom and OMG my whole body KILLS!!!!!! This Mama is in some serious pain.
I want to thank everyone who has supported me on my Marathon journey. It's been a long, tough process but I DID IT!!!!!! My husband said "I am so proud of you" then I said "thanks, I am proud too" Hahah. For real, I am. I worked my butt off hard to be able to run this. I know one thing is for sure. I want to run another Marathon next year:)
My races are not over, I still have a few 5k's and 3 1/2 marathons that I will be running this year.
It feels so good to cross another thing off my buck list and I can now finally say " I have ran a FULL Marathon" and yes, I do feel like a bad ass just a little bit;) hahaha
Oh I have to thank you to everyone at the race who kept us all save. There were cops everywhere!! Even 2 helicopters watching over us at all times.
 It's almost race time. Ahhhhhhh
 We wrote "Boston" on the back of our legs
 Added another medal to my board:) Excited to add at least 3 more this year:)
 Almost to the finish line

 Sprint time, and yes I beat that lady, but barley
 In the freakin zone
 All DONE!!! 26.2 MILES!!!!

 WE DID IT!!!!
 My beautiful flowers from my Aunt and Uncle
 Feels sooooo good to be DONE
Here I am at mile 22 when I saw my family. I started cry. I was beyond SORE, my knee KILLED, and here was my family cheering me on. It was a very special moment.

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