Monday, April 1, 2013

Now onto new goals

It feels so good to reach my first goal. I worked so, so, so HARD!!!! But my journey is not over. It is now time for new goals. Time to focus on my toning and leaning out more, but I do have to still be very careful with my weight training until after my marathon which is only 3 WEEKS AWAY!!!! Ahhhhhh I am freaking out just a bit. I have never worked so hard in my life to pre pair for this marathon. I have many mixed feelings right now about my race coming up. I am scared, nervous and super excited at the same time. This is HUGE for me. I can not wait to cross the finish line and to know that I did it!!! I have ran hundreds of miles, hours and HOURS of running, running 4 days a week, pushing myself way beyond my comfort levels, I have improved my speed by a lot, I have more then doubled my weights in my weight training. I feel so much stronger.
My goal for my race day is to try and finish around the 4 hour mark but we will have to see. It really all depends on the course, if it's hot out etc, but that is a goal I am going to try and see if I can do , but really all that matters is I finish:) 26.2 miles is a long time to run. This is one race that I want my whole family to be at. I already know I will be crying my eyes out. Being a runner, you have so many mixed emotions. You are so freaking exhausted, always thinking "What the crap did I get myself into", so happy to be done, and proud all in one and can't wait for the next race.
I do not have any more long runs. My last weeks of training are very mild. This week my runs will be 5,8,5,9 and the miles go down each week until race day.
I really need to remember to continue to have a good diet of clean eating. Every time I reach a goal, I tend to fall back into my bad habits:/ I really enjoyed my Easter weekend. I ate lots of yummy food and treats and doing the same today:( I need to get my mind back into the zone and kill it, just working out will not do it. You have to have a good diet and exercise to see the results you want.
*I have to say THANK YOU all so much for all the comments, messages, stopping me at the gym, restaurants, and viewing  my blog. Seriously, you guys are the main reason I was able to reach my goal. I have said so many times to my husband and brother " I have to do good, I have people who are rooting for me I can't give up, I have to have some amazing results to show people it can be done, to show that being a busy Mom you can still do it, having 4 kids you can still do, being 31 you can still do it. I have been very honest on my blog because I want you to know that I am human and like all the crap food too. Remember I'm a fast food junky?? Hahaha but I want to show you that it is OK to make mistakes we all do. Just remember to get back on track and you will be fine. Try and limit your cheat meals to 1-2 times a week and you will be fine. Thank again everyone and I can't wait to continue on my journey and to help others reach their fitness goals as well. LET'S DO THIS!!!!!

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