Saturday, March 30, 2013

90 day health challenge is DONE!!!

Hello again, it feels so good to be writing on my blog:) I've had so much to post about but had to wait.
First off, this morning was our final weigh in. The weigh in were we have all been working our butts off to win. Remember how I was so sick last week? Well, I didn't lose not even an ounce, and I was so worried because I couldn't work out and didn't for 7 full days. I finally felt better and had 2 days to workout as hard as I could. Today is my schedule 20 mile run but I am just so busy today that I decided to run it yesterday. Around mile 9, I was feeling sick. I started to see black dots so I walked a bit, had some water and kept going. Finally at mile 11 I was DONE. I felt soooooo sick so I had to call my hubby to pick me up:( I was so sad I couldn't finish, but I am not back to myself just yet. I would say I am 90% better, but I really needed to have some good workouts for this weigh in.
OK so back to the weigh in:) The final 2 was between my younger brother and I. We were both were shaking and soooooo nervous. We have both worked so hard and both really wanted to win. He told me I had to weigh in first. I got on the scale and it said 128.6 with 12.51% baby fat loss. My brother got on the scale and we were both freaking out, we knew it was close. The totals were in and I won just barley. I couldn't believe it. My brother came in at 12.48. I am sooooooo very proud of him. He looks amazing and lost 41 pounds!!!!!
I am also so proud of my husband who is down 21 pounds. He has worked so hard and looks amazing as well.
So as of January 1st, I weighed in at 147.6 and today I am 128.6!!! I haven't been this small since our wedding day over 11.5 years ago and I have had not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 kids!!! I seriously feel amazing. I did no special diet, no pills, just the old fashion eating healthy and good ol exercise. My journey is not over. I am fine with my weight, but I still have a lot more toning to do. I can finally see my abs after all these years. Hahaha
You guys, It can be done!!!!!! All it takes is clean eating, exercise and dedication. You can all do it I promise!!! I will still continue with my fitness blog since I still have work to do, but for today, I will enjoy my day and eat have a full on cheat day. I know you shouldn't reward yourself with food, but I sure am today. I deserve it! Haha:)
Oh and yes I know my hair looks TERRIBLE!!!! I hope to get it done in a few weeks. hahaha
                                                        Here I am today at 128.6 pounds
                     I am now up to 65lbs on the bicep curling machine. Started at 30 pounds
Yesterday I was able to do 95lbs on the back machine. Started at around 55lbs
                My tummy is always the very hardest spot for me to tone. It takes FOR EVER!!!!!
Here is my very first before picture. Taken on January 1st. Weighing in at 147.6

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