Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So I have to be completely honest. I STILL haven't been back on my diet 100% :( Seriously, I have cheated Thursday-today. There is no reason at all for it, I just am, and because of it, I can totally feel it. I have been so tired all day long and no energy at all. I did lose 1 pound from the 3 I gained which is good, but I am trying to get fit, and I am not going down the right path this week. I've done awesome with my workouts, just not the eating part which is a big NO, NO!!!
 Finally around 5:00 tonight, I got my butt off the couch and got to the gym for my leg workout. I was so tired, but once I got going I killed it. I felt amazing. I did 20 min on this black machine that is kind of like an elliptical, 20 minutes on the stair stepper at level 12 on the weight loss option, 3 reps on the leg press, 3 reps on the leg curl, 3 sets of squats with 20 pound weights in each hand, 3 set of inner thigh squats with 20 pound weights in each hands, and finally finished my workout with about 15 minute of abs. It was an awesome workout, and I am going to bed feeling very strong.
We are going to dinner this week for my nephews birthday and on Sunday, we are having 2, yes 2 family parties. One at 11:00 am for pancakes at my parents, then we are going to my in laws at 6:00 pm for haystacks so I most likely wont lose any extra weight this week which is fine, but I do still want to try and get the 2 pounds off that I gained.


  1. Sometimes you just need to be bad :) Yesterday I was in such a GRUMPY mood. I'm sick of eating like a bird and a rabbit and sweating like a pig, just to step on the scale and weigh 1.5 pounds more than I did the day before! So what did I do, I went and got me a hamburger the size of my head. It made me feel so much better! Today I had a great workout and have prepped my day for no carb eating and feel re energized to be good again. I'm sure I'll rebel again in a couple days, but I try to keep my rebelling to one meal every 2-3 days...No biggie :) You're doing great! Keep up the good work!!

  2. I agree 100% sometimes it's good to eat bad for a bit. Sometimes it gives me even more motivation to major kick butt:)
    Thank you so much for the support, it means so much to me, and good luck to you. I wish we lived closer so we could workout together:/

  3. I wish we did live closer. We talked about moving out that way for a while but I think we're going to stay out here. You know, there is a taco maker out here...I know you just moved, but you know you want to live just a couple miles from a taco maker ;) I need a weight lifting buddy. I have great running friends, but no one to lift weights with :( I have NO IDEA what I'm doing when it comes to weight lifting either. I just jump from machine to machine working every muscle I can as heavy as I can for 15 reps 3 times. The classes I do kick my trash though so I usually just stick with those!
