Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentine 5k

Today is race day:) I have run 5k's millions of times, but for some reason I was super nervous today. I don't know if it's because I haven't been running outside or what but I was crazy nervous, and it's only a 5k!!!
The race started at 11:00 and off we went. I took off really fast. My goal was to beat my fastest time which was 27.24. I actually wanted to run it in 25.00 min so I knew I was going to push myself hard. My first mile I ran it in 8.03 I was happy with that pace. I started getting REALLY tired around the 2 mile mark. I could taste blood, about threw up and my breathing was all over the place. I was breathing very loud and fast which I never do. I was almost to the finish line, and my amazing hubby and boys drove by honking the horn and cheering me on. Seeing them totally got me to push even harder. I took off and finished strong at 23:49!!!!!!!!! With an average pace of 7:39 per mile)  I was shocked. I placed 3rd place in women's age group 30-34 and 7th overall. It was such a fun race. I also won a Sonic gift card:) Seriously, South Jordan has the best races ever. Always super organized and always has the best prizes out of all the races I have ran. My goal is to get 1st place overall in women's because you get a free pair of shoes!! How awesome is that?? 
This was my second race of the year, and I can't wait for the St. Patty's race next month:)
 I am so happy that my bestie runs with me and I always look forward to our Coffee rewards and some much needed girl talk after our races. Love you girl:)