Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fit Mama

Seriously Mommy's, it can be done, if you are willing to work hard you can do it. I am proof that it can be done. No, I'm not to my goal, but I'm working on it and it feels amazing. I have 4 boys, and all were pretty good size babies. My oldest was 8lbs 10oz, My second son was 8lbs 8oz, my third was 8lbs 2 oz and my fourth son was 7lbs 10oz.  The most I gained was with my oldest son. I gained 37 pounds but ALWAYS struggled to lose the baby weight. I am not one of those Mom's that has a baby and who is tiny just a few weeks later or months.It takes me about 18 months after I have a baby and I have to work HARD!!!!!! It's never easy to be healthy and fit, but I'll tell you what, it feels so dang good. I LOVE having confidence. I love when people say "I can't believe you have had 4 babies"  I always say Thank you and that I worked freaking Hard to be were I am today. Like I said in my previous post, I have struggled for the past week with my diet,yep even today BAD but I'm not letting it stop me. I just need to continue and keep going.  LET"S DO THIS MAMA'S!!!

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